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By Editor, on April 22nd, 2013
In a HealthBeat message and podcast issued on April 22, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) pronounced that “Your health is going digital. Health applications on the go are becoming more available.” The message describes new . . . → Read More: HHS Announces New Digital & Mobile Health Apps to Help You Stay Healthy
By Editor, on October 4th, 2012
A new update on the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website announces and provides information about a new Helpline called “TSA Cares” that will be provided by the TSA to assist travelers with disabilities and medical conditions. According to . . . → Read More: TSA Provides Helpline for Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions
By Editor, on August 3rd, 2012
A study by scientists in Australia has found that seniors who clipped on a pedometer nearly doubled the time they spent walking each week. The study, by Gregory S. Kolt, Ph.D., head of the School of Science and Health, . . . → Read More: Wearing a Pedometer Can Help You Walk More, Study Finds
By Editor, on February 19th, 2012
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) and its Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) announced new data on Friday, February 17, showing that the use of electronic health records has more than doubled . . . → Read More: Health IT, Electronic Health Records & Health IT Jobs Expanding, New Data Show
By Editor, on February 17th, 2012
Cynthia Whisker, a social service coordinator who counsels families and seniors about how to handle the stress of caregiving for their loved ones, has herself become a caregiver for her husband. Her husband underwent both a liver transplant and . . . → Read More: Electronic Health Records Can Relieve Caregiver Stress; A Caregiver Tells Her Story
By Editor, on October 6th, 2011
Steve Jobs, 56, the founder of Apple®, died Wednesday, October 5, 2011, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Despite his personal struggle, Jobs is remembered for his remarkable contributions to technology, including healthcare and wellness technology, and his . . . → Read More: A Tribute to Steve Jobs; Remembering His Legacy to Healthcare & Wellness
By Editor, on September 20th, 2011
On Monday, September 19, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced new recommendations of its Text4Health Task Force as well as other initiatives to support health text messaging and encourage development of mobile health (mHealth) programs. . . . → Read More: HHS Text4Health Task Force Recommends Health Text Messaging Initiatives
By Editor, on September 13th, 2011
On August 12, 2011, at an inaugural Summit for National Health IT Week, taking place August 11-16, 2011, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced proposed new rules that would allow patients for the first time . . . → Read More: At National Health IT Week Summit HHS Proposes New Rules to Give Patients Direct Access to Their Lab Reports
By Editor, on August 3rd, 2011
Sixty-one percent of all U.S. adults have used the Internet to look for health or medical information, and adult women, non-hispanic whites, and employed adults with higher incomes are among the most frequent users, according to a Data . . . → Read More: Americans Increasingly Find Health Information via Internet, CDC Reports
By Senior Editor, on July 24th, 2011
Modern Health Talk is a new online community promoting home health care technologies as a way of replacing institutional care (nursing homes & assisted living) with aging in place at home. The community includes: Website (mHealthTalk.com) with general information . . . → Read More: New Site Featuring Low- and High-Tech Solutions For Home Health Care
By Editor, on June 29th, 2011
A new telemedicine program at the University of Rochester Movement Disorders Clinic in Rochester, New York, supported in part by funding from the National Parkinson Foundation, is allowing patients with Parkinson’s Disease to see their doctors remotely via video-conference. . . . → Read More: Telemedicine Allows Parkinson’s Patients to Visit Their Doctors by Video Conference
By Editor, on June 18th, 2011
Several pilot programs are being conducted by the Oregon Center for Aging & Technology to test motion sensors, skype-like video monitors, robots and other high-tech equipment, as a means of constantly monitoring the well-being of seniors in their own . . . → Read More: High-Tech Increasingly Used to Allow Seniors to Age in Place
By Senior Editor, on April 6th, 2011
Here’s a free online health application that assists families in managing their health. The Mayo Clinic has teamed up with Microsoft to give you tools to control your family’s health care with personalized reminders and guidance. . . . → Read More: A Free Online Application to Manage Health
By Senior Editor, on March 8th, 2011
Here are fifty 2-minute simple and easy step-by-step instructional videos from Google for your tech-stymied senior loved one. Some subjects covered: copy & paste adjust the time on your clock change your desktop background (Mac) change your wallpaper (PC) . . . → Read More: Send Your Elderly Loved One A Tech Support Care Package
By Senior Editor, on January 24th, 2011
Not really, and not now! Where, for instance in a robot, amidst the sensors, algorithms and antennas, is love found? There are, however, a lot of helpful things caregivers could love about the next-generation robots capable of household chores . . . → Read More: Amazing Robots Replace Caregivers!
By Senior Editor, on January 10th, 2011
A phone with video capability, or an Internet-connected computer with a webcam that allows a caregiver to view a loved one when the caregiver is away, is a technology most long-distance caregivers would like to have. In a recent . . . → Read More: Technology Most Helpful to Long-Distance Caregivers
By Senior Editor, on January 8th, 2011
Caregivers are beginning to recognize that technology can provide significant benefits both to themselves and their care recipient, helping them to be more effective as caregivers, saving time and money, and reducing stress. Health records, web-based care coordination programs, . . . → Read More: Study Finds Family Caregivers Want Web-Based and Mobile Technologies to Help Care for Senior Loved Ones
By Senior Editor, on January 2nd, 2011
Caregivers can keep track of medication dosages, nutritional requirements, and other daily health-care needs through a growing number of free or cheep smartphone apps. It’s a good idea to ask your doctor or health provider to help assess a . . . → Read More: Five smartphone apps for caregivers
By Editor, on September 7th, 2010
The baby boomer generation is increasingly using technology, including video monitoring, to help care for their aging parents. It is becoming common to use a camera monitoring service in the senior’s home, so that adult children can look on as . . . → Read More: Wired Homes Keep Tabs On Aging Parents
By Editor, on August 2nd, 2010
New technologies help adult children monitor movements and safety of their aging parents, allowing the seniors to stay in their own homes longer and avoid moving to assisted living. NYTimes.com. Read more… Monitoring Elderly Parents – . . . → Read More: Technologies for Monitoring Elderly Parents
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