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108-Year-Old Blogger

108-Year-old Olive Riley was believed to have been the world’s oldest blogger. She began her blog at the age of 107 and continued until her passing at age 108. According to Wikipedia, Ruth Hamilton of Orlando, Florida was later . . . → Read More: 108-Year-Old Blogger


Vision Problems Commonly Lead Older Adults to Limit Activity for Fear of Falling, New Study Finds

A new study by doctors at the University of Montreal and an associated Montreal hospital have found that about half of seniors with visually impairing eye diseases report limiting their social activities due to fear of falling. This also . . . → Read More: Vision Problems Commonly Lead Older Adults to Limit Activity for Fear of Falling, New Study Finds


Happy Thanksgiving to You from HelpingYouCare®

As we gather with family to give thanks for our Blessings this Thanksgiving, let us all remember in gratitude our senior loved ones and their family caregivers, and the love they give and sacrifice and many contributions they make . . . → Read More: Happy Thanksgiving to You from HelpingYouCare®


Exercise Better than Mental or Social Activity to Protect Brain from Shrinkage, Study Finds

A new study published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Association of Neurology, has found that among older adults, regular exercise was more effective in protecting against brain shrinkage than were either mental or social activities. Some . . . → Read More: Exercise Better than Mental or Social Activity to Protect Brain from Shrinkage, Study Finds


Perceived Stress Increases Risk of Heart Disease, Study Finds; Plus How to Handle Stress

A new analysis of studies involving 118,696 participants, conducted by Donald Edmundson, PhD, a professor at Columbia University Medical Center, and colleagues, has found that self-reported perceived stress was associated with a 27% higher risk of coronary heart disease . . . → Read More: Perceived Stress Increases Risk of Heart Disease, Study Finds; Plus How to Handle Stress


Healthy Aging® Month Focuses on Limitless Possibilities After Age 50

The month of September has been designated as Healthy Aging® Month, an annual health observance developed to help individuals think more positively about growing older, and take actions to promote their own physical, social, mental and financial well-being. The . . . → Read More: Healthy Aging® Month Focuses on Limitless Possibilities After Age 50


Studies Link Loneliness to Higher Risk of Death, Decline and Cardiovascular Disease

Two recent studies published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a journal of the American Medical Association, have found loneliness to be associated with higher risks of cardiovascular disease, loss of independence, and death. However, the extent of association . . . → Read More: Studies Link Loneliness to Higher Risk of Death, Decline and Cardiovascular Disease


Experts Advocate Dancing for Health

UPDATED July 23, 2012: A new Health Tip published by MedlinePlus, a service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health advocates that seniors “make exercise a social activity.” “Participate in a group dance class or a . . . → Read More: Experts Advocate Dancing for Health


Memorial Day Health Message for Caregivers: Wellness Tips from the CDC

This Memorial Day, as we remember our loved ones who have gone on, including those who gave their lives in service of our country, let us resolve to honor their lives and the lives of those loved ones we . . . → Read More: Memorial Day Health Message for Caregivers: Wellness Tips from the CDC


HHS Announces New Administration on Community Living to Help Seniors & Disabled Live At Home

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced Monday that it has established a new Administration on Community Living under HHS, which will be dedicated to “enhancing and improving the broad range of supports that individuals with . . . → Read More: HHS Announces New Administration on Community Living to Help Seniors & Disabled Live At Home


The Caregiver’s Wellness Resolutions

The Caregiver’s Wellness Resolutions By Ruth Mansmith MS, RN, CRRN, RAC-C Author, national speaker, wellness coach Fresh beginning is the theme of this article. It’s time for making changes and creating a hopeful future. However, with stress and fatigue, . . . → Read More: The Caregiver’s Wellness Resolutions


Assistance Dogs Provide Wonderful Help for Those with Limited Mobility

Assistance Dogs (sometimes called “Service Dogs”) provide remarkable help for those with limited mobility. In addition to the salutary love, bond, and companionship that the dogs provide, Assistance Dogs are trained to help with many tasks that make life . . . → Read More: Assistance Dogs Provide Wonderful Help for Those with Limited Mobility


Hope for the Middle-Aged Brain; Author Presents Science-Based Tips for a Sharper Brain

In her book, The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain: The Surprising Talents of the Middle-Aged Mind, recently published in paperback, author Barbara Strauch, deputy science editor of The New York Times in charge of health and medical science, . . . → Read More: Hope for the Middle-Aged Brain; Author Presents Science-Based Tips for a Sharper Brain


Why Some Doctors Dance

Cleveland Clinic Dr. Elaine Wyllie, Director of Pediatric Neurology, and Dr. Robert Wyllie, Chairman of the Pediatric Institute and Children’s Hospital, took up ballroom dancing to help them stay in shape. Some other benefits of ballroom dancing, according to . . . → Read More: Why Some Doctors Dance


National Prevention Strategy Released June 16 Under Affordable Care Act

On June 16, 2011, the Surgeon General of the U.S. along with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and members of the National Prevention Council, announced the release of the National Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy, . . . → Read More: National Prevention Strategy Released June 16 Under Affordable Care Act


Social Isolation/ “Constricted Life Space” Linked to Higher Risk of Alzheimer’s for Seniors

A recent study has found that seniors who were housebound or socially isolated (scientifically called “constricted life space”) were significantly more likely to develop Alzheimer’s Disease or Mild Cognitive Impairment, and experience more rapid cognitive decline, than seniors who . . . → Read More: Social Isolation/ “Constricted Life Space” Linked to Higher Risk of Alzheimer’s for Seniors


Socializing Appears to Delay Memory Problems

Socializing Appears to Delay Memory Problems, From The New York Times, by Tara Parker-Pope on Health. A recent finding suggests social isolation is a risk factor for dementia whereas social interaction delays cognitive decline in the elderly. »View . . . → Read More: Socializing Appears to Delay Memory Problems


New Tech May Hold Key For Elder Care’s Future – Simulated Social Interaction

New Tech May Hold Key For Elder Care’s Future, Chicago Tribune. A new technology is being developed to simulate social interaction for seniors: »View Info


See Archives of Additional Information on Social Interaction & Emotional Health.

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