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Inspiration & Humor For Caregivers

Inspiration & Emotional Care for Caregivers

Humor to Lighten the Load of Family Caregivers

Inspiration & Emotional Care for Caregivers:

Still Having Fun and over 100 Years Old

Dorothy Custer demonstrates one of the secrets of her longevity to Jay Leno. It’s comedy! She has appeared twice on “The Tonight Show.” As a teacher some years ago, she found a better reaction from her students if she . . . → Read More: Still Having Fun and over 100 Years Old


Happy Thanksgiving to You from HelpingYouCare®

As we gather with family to give thanks for our Blessings this Thanksgiving, let us all remember in gratitude our senior loved ones and their family caregivers, and the love they give and sacrifice and many contributions they make . . . → Read More: Happy Thanksgiving to You from HelpingYouCare®


Healthy Aging® Month Focuses on Limitless Possibilities After Age 50

The month of September has been designated as Healthy Aging® Month, an annual health observance developed to help individuals think more positively about growing older, and take actions to promote their own physical, social, mental and financial well-being. The . . . → Read More: Healthy Aging® Month Focuses on Limitless Possibilities After Age 50


Can a Smile Reduce Stress?

A new study by scientists at the University of Kansas has found that a smile on your face – especially a genuine one using both mouth and eye muscles – may help lower heart rate after stressful activities. The . . . → Read More: Can a Smile Reduce Stress?


Overcoming Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) – A Hope-Inspiring Story of Courage & Determination

Contributed By Jackie Barber EDITOR’S NOTE: Our dear friend Jackie Barber tells the moving story of how she is overcoming the dreaded Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) that one year ago left her completely paralyzed from neck to toe. This . . . → Read More: Overcoming Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) – A Hope-Inspiring Story of Courage & Determination


President Obama Delivers a Message of Hope & Inspiration to Women as Commencement Speaker at Barnard College

President Barack Obama delivered the commencement address at Barnard College, the women’s college affiliated with Columbia University, on Monday, May 14. His address focused on issues of particular importance to women, and he then challenged the women to “stand . . . → Read More: President Obama Delivers a Message of Hope & Inspiration to Women as Commencement Speaker at Barnard College


Happy Thanksgiving to You from HelpingYouCare™

As we give thanks for our Blessings this Thanksgiving, let us all remember in gratitude our family members and especially our senior loved ones and the love, sacrifice and many contributions they have given toward bettering the lives of . . . → Read More: Happy Thanksgiving to You from HelpingYouCare™


Will You Care For Me? Feel the Compassion & Love of a Caregiver in Response to This Touching Song

In trying to help caregivers, emphasis is often placed on the difficulty and stress of the role. But, the positive side of caregiving, the emotional rewards we feel as caregivers when we provide love and care to those in . . . → Read More: Will You Care For Me? Feel the Compassion & Love of a Caregiver in Response to This Touching Song


Editors Seek Caregivers’ Stories for New Chicken Soup for Caregivers Book

The publisher of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books announced that its Editors are seeking submissions of original family caregiver stories for possible inclusion in a new book to be produced, under the title: Chicken Soup . . . → Read More: Editors Seek Caregivers’ Stories for New Chicken Soup for Caregivers Book


Inspiring Senior: Grandma Moses – Productive and Famous beginning in her 70s

Anna Mary Robertson Moses (September 7, 1860 – December 13, 1961), known as “Grandma Moses” began painting in her 70s. As a renowned American folk artist, her paintings were used to publicize American holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and . . . → Read More: Inspiring Senior: Grandma Moses – Productive and Famous beginning in her 70s


‘Tis the Season to Celebrate the Joys of Caregiving

by Kathryn Haslanger, Senior VP for Community Benefit and External Affairs for VNSNY for The Huffington Post Amidst the difficulties of caregiving can be found a satisfaction of just one more of the things really worth doing. Some of the rewards . . . → Read More: ‘Tis the Season to Celebrate the Joys of Caregiving


Chicken Soup For The Caregiver’s Soul

By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and LeAnn Thieman L.P.N., with a Foreward by Rosalynn Carter. We recommend this book for needed, soothing inspiration for the caregiver. Uplifting stories to nourish your soul. This is an important part of . . . → Read More: Chicken Soup For The Caregiver’s Soul


Caregiving from the Heart

Caregiving from the Heart: Tales of Inspiration by Riki Intner and Roberta Cole (Paperback – May 27, 2006).  A compilation of caregivers’ stories, touching, moving, uplifting, insightful, some humorous, that makes you feel like you have a support group . . . → Read More: Caregiving from the Heart


Florence Nightingale

The founder of modern nursing.  One of the earliest models of an inspiring caregiver, Florence Nightingale has inspired generations of family and professional caregivers. “Nightingale continued believing (circa 1850) that the death rates were due to poor nutrition and . . . → Read More: Florence Nightingale


Helen Keller

On Vision: “It gives me a deep, comforting sense that things seen are temporal and things unseen are eternal.” “Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity . . . → Read More: Helen Keller


Norman Cousins

Told that he had little chance of surviving, Cousins developed a recovery program incorporating megadoses of Vitamin C, along with a positive attitude, love, faith, hope, and laughter induced by Marx Brothers films. ‘I made the joyous discovery that . . . → Read More: Norman Cousins


Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln’s formal education consisted of about 18 months of schooling, but he was largely self-educated and an avid reader.  His life was a most inspiring example of overcoming the greatest of odds and continual defeats to rise to universally . . . → Read More: Abraham Lincoln


Sandra Day O’Connor

She would have preferred to stay on the Supreme Court for several more years until she was ill and “really in bad shape” but stepped down to spend more time with her husband, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s . . . → Read More: Sandra Day O’Connor


Finding the Joy in Alzheimer’s

Finding the Joy in Alzheimer’s: Caregivers Share the Joyful Times, by Brenda Avadian  (paperback), Volume I. Recommended as an uplifting support for those caring for an elderly loved one with Alzheimer’s. Readers have commented: “The stories and poems are . . . → Read More: Finding the Joy in Alzheimer’s


Spirituality, Prayer and Healing: Building Strength Through Faith

Spirituality, Prayer and Healing: Building Strength Through Faith, From Helpguide.org, a not for profit organization dedicated to helping caregivers. Discusses how prayers and a community of faith can provide support and strengthen resolve and courage. Read More…


Caregivers are the Heroes, Alzheimer’s Blog from MayoClinic.com

Caregivers are the Heroes, Alzheimer’s Blog from MayoClinic.com. Tells the true stories of two Alzheimer’s caregivers from the Mayo Clinic support group, the humorous incidents in their caregiving, and the caring, empathy and inspiring generosity that caregiving taught them. . . . → Read More: Caregivers are the Heroes, Alzheimer’s Blog from MayoClinic.com


Doing Sixty and Seventy

Doing Sixty and Seventy, by Gloria Steinem, Elders Academy Press. Inspiring essay on aging by Gloria Steinem. Offered by Pacific Institute, a non-profit organization.


Heroes Among Us

Heroes Among Us By Gregory Podell. A son’s inspiring tribute to the courage and heroism of his parents as caregivers to his grandparents, and to the quiet heroism of his grandparents in their approach to aging.


The Gifts of Caregiving: Stories of Hardship, Hope, and Healing

The Gifts of Caregiving: Stories of Hardship, Hope, and Healing, by Connie Goldman. The stories of real caregivers, whose courage, wisdom, hope and humor inspire and enlighten. Buy this Book at Amazon.com: The Gifts of Caregiving: Stories of Hardship, . . . → Read More: The Gifts of Caregiving: Stories of Hardship, Hope, and Healing


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See Videos on Inspiration and Emotional Care for Caregivers

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Humor to Lighten the Load of Family Caregivers:
Still Having Fun and over 100 Years OldStill Having Fun and over 100 Years Old

Dorothy Custer demonstrates one of the secrets of her longevity to Jay Leno. It's comedy! She has appeared twice on "The Tonight Show." As a teacher some years ago, she found a better reaction from her students if she mixed in a little comedy with...

Can a Smile Reduce Stress?Can a Smile Reduce Stress?

A new study by scientists at the University of Kansas has found that a smile on your face - especially a genuine one using both mouth and eye muscles - may help lower heart rate after stressful activities. The new study, led by Sarah D. Pressman, Ph...

Laughter Found to Create Health Benefits Similar to Those of ExerciseLaughter Found to Create Health Benefits Similar to Those of Exercise

Several scientific studies have found that laughter and a sense of humor produce many health benefits, some similar to those derived from exercise. Studies by Loma Linda University Schools of Allied Health and Medicine According to studies conduc...

Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My HeadRaindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head

A CWOT (complete waste of time)--but fun »

Some Gentle Humor From Times Past: Remember Señor Wences?

Sometimes as a caregiver, you need to just forget your cares and enjoy some gentle, light humor from times past. Remember Señor Wences? »

Humor from the Elderly: A Reminder that Laughter is the Best MedicineHumor from the Elderly: A Reminder that Laughter is the Best Medicine

This video comes from a website called CaregiverStress.com and is a 7 minute video of some humor from the elderly!

The Magic of Humor in CaregivingThe Magic of Humor in Caregiving

The Magic of Humor in Caregiving by James R. Sherman (Paperback - Feb 1995).   A book on the therapeutic effects of humor in the caregiving situation.  Enlivened by anecdotes, this is a book about how and why humor is needed and helps to bear the st...


Axioms with a light-hearted touch on memory, and lack of it. Read more>>>


Laughter Is The Best Medicine, from Helpguide.org, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping caregivers.  Explains why humor literally is the best medicine: "Laughter activates the chemistry of the will to live and increases our capacity to figh...

Humor, Laughter and Health

Humor, Laughter and Health, From Helpguide.org On the health benefits of humor and laughter.  Laughter can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, boost immune system, improve brain functioning, protect the heart, connect you to others, improve mental...

Laughter is the "Best Medicine"

Laughter is the "Best Medicine" for Your Heart, From the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Research links laughter to the healthy function of blood vessels. Read more>>>

Humor Survey

Humor Survey: How Well Does Your Sense of Humor Protect You From Heart Disease?, From the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Check out your score to see if you have additional laugh protection against heart disease. Read more...

Humor and Health

Humor and Health, Course by Paul McGhee PhD, author of “Health, Healing and the Amuse System” (Kendall/ Hunt) and President of The Laughter Remedy, a firm which educates healthcare professionals on the benefits of keeping their sense of humor in th...

See more articles on Humor for Caregivers

See Videos on Humor for Caregivers and Seniors

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