Anna Mary Robertson Moses (September 7, 1860 – December 13, 1961), known as “Grandma Moses” began painting in her 70s.
As a renowned American folk artist, her paintings were used to publicize American holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Mother’s Day. She painted over 3600 canvasses in her last thirty years.
President Harry S. Truman presented her with the Women’s National Press Club trophy Award for outstanding accomplishment in art in 1949.
Nelson Rockefeller proclaimed “Grandma Moses Day” in her honor on her 100th birthday in 1960.
After her passing, in 2006, her work Sugaring Off became her highest selling work at $1.2 million.
The U.S. commemorative stamp (shown above) was issued in her honor in 1969.
Read about Grandma Moses in:
Designs of the Heart:
The Homemade Art of Grandma Moses.
Available at
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