Articles contributed to HelpingYouCare® by our readers & others.
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How High Blood Pressure Puts Your Brain at Risk
By Deane Alban You already know that high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, kidney failure, and blindness. Now there is one more reason to get your blood pressure levels under control. This condition has been found to . . . → Read More: How High Blood Pressure Puts Your Brain at Risk
Caregiving for a Dear Friend with Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS): Part II of a Hope-Inspiring Story
Contributed By Shirley A. Woods EDITOR’S NOTE: In a previous post, our dear friend Jackie Barber told the inspiring story of how she is overcoming the dreaded Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) that eighteen months ago left her completely paralyzed . . . → Read More: Caregiving for a Dear Friend with Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS): Part II of a Hope-Inspiring Story
Have a Healthy Thanksgiving Without Eating Like a Pilgrim
By Deane Alban The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the early settlers with help from the Native Americans as a way to offer thanks for their surviving another brutal year. They constantly lived with the uncertainty that there would . . . → Read More: Have a Healthy Thanksgiving Without Eating Like a Pilgrim
Overcoming Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) – A Hope-Inspiring Story of Courage & Determination
Contributed By Jackie Barber EDITOR’S NOTE: Our dear friend Jackie Barber tells the moving story of how she is overcoming the dreaded Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) that one year ago left her completely paralyzed from neck to toe. This . . . → Read More: Overcoming Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) – A Hope-Inspiring Story of Courage & Determination
The Caregiver’s Wellness Resolutions
The Caregiver’s Wellness Resolutions By Ruth Mansmith MS, RN, CRRN, RAC-C Author, national speaker, wellness coach Fresh beginning is the theme of this article. It’s time for making changes and creating a hopeful future. However, with stress and fatigue, . . . → Read More: The Caregiver’s Wellness Resolutions
Edna Hibel: Renowned Artist Still Painting 12 Hours a Day in Her 90s
Edna Hibel: Capturing the Essence of Mother & Child Through Art Story and Photos by Krista Martinelli Founder & Editor, AroundWellington® Magazine or call 561-622-5560 to reserve your seat. Hibel’s biography by Shawn McAllister, a coffee-table sized book . . . → Read More: Edna Hibel: Renowned Artist Still Painting 12 Hours a Day in Her 90s
Addressing Caregiver Burnout
Ask Dr. Z December, 2011 By Laura Zipris, Psy. D., LMHC Editor’s Note: Dr. Laura Zipris, Psy. D., LMHC, holds a doctorate in Psychology and is licensed to practice psychotherapy in New York and Florida. She writes a monthly . . . → Read More: Addressing Caregiver Burnout
ABS Workout
Contributed by Cheryl Alker, physical fitness specialist and personal trainer EDITOR’S NOTE: Looking for a good ABS workout? Want to learn and understand what abdominal muscles are really involved, what makes for a good workout, and why? And, be . . . → Read More: ABS Workout
The Caregiver Conquers Holiday Stress
The Caregiver Conquers Holiday Stress By Ruth Mansmith, a former CEO for a national chain of health-care facilities and author of the international award winning Fit For Life Wellness Program offers wellness strategies for people of all ages. She . . . → Read More: The Caregiver Conquers Holiday Stress
Breast Cancer Is On The Rise October is national breast cancer awareness month. Not only is it important for family caregivers to be screened for breast cancer, but of even more importance is for our older family members to . . . → Read More: CAREGIVERS UNITE FOR BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH
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