A Tribute to Steve Jobs; Remembering His Legacy to Healthcare & Wellness

Steve Jobs, 56, the founder of Apple®, died Wednesday, October 5, 2011, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Despite his personal struggle, Jobs is remembered for his remarkable contributions to technology, including healthcare and wellness technology, and his personal qualities that greatly inspired and uplifted those around him.

Remembering His Legacy in Technology and Innovation

Business and political leaders around the world are eulogizing his legacy to technology and innovation. President Barack Obama issued the following statement:

“Michelle and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve was among the greatest of American innovators – brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it.

By building one of the planet’s most successful companies from his garage, he exemplified the spirit of American ingenuity. By making computers personal and putting the internet in our pockets, he made the information revolution not only accessible, but intuitive and fun. And by turning his talents to storytelling, he has brought joy to millions of children and grownups alike. Steve was fond of saying that he lived every day like it was his last. Because he did, he transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world.

The world has lost a visionary. And there may be no greater tribute to Steve’s success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented. Michelle and I send our thoughts and prayers to Steve’s wife Laurene, his family, and all those who loved him.”

Many technology executives and other business leaders have remembered Steve for his innovation and immense contributions. Some of their statements are quoted in Bloomberg Business News.

Some of Steve Jobs’ Less Known But Important Contributions to Healthcare and Wellness

Apple’s iPhone and other devices provide a multitude of mobile apps that empower family caregivers with valuable information, resources, and organizational tools, at their fingertips regardless of where they are.

For example, if you are in the hospital with your senior loved one and need immediate access to information about his or her medical history, medications, contact information for doctors, or other critical information, CaregiversTouch for the iPhone allows you to have stored this important information and have it immediately available on your iPhone.

Or, with Elder 911, you can have immediate access to “over 500 pieces of expert advice” provided by an experienced geriatric care manager, which “are organized into 11 eldercare topics providing you with proven solutions to caregiving problems as you encounter them.”

Other iPhone apps help you stay fit, and exercise for good health. For example, Sports Tracker “turns your iPhone into an interactive exercise diary” that allows you to “track and analyze workout performances as you monitor everything from calories burned to average training speed and altitude. Then store your data for future reference and share it with friends for bragging rights.”

Or, Yoga Stretch provides background sound and voice prompts for yoga, that may help you “achieve perfect physical and mental balance without leaving home.”

Other health-related Apple® apps include:

Many more healthcare and wellness-related apps for Apple® devices, can be found by visiting the Apple® website.

Steve Jobs Philosophy & Inspiring Words and Example

Perhaps the most moving legacy of Steve Jobs is his sobering, realistic yet uplifting personal philosophy and his inspiring words and example — to live every day as if it was his last. His philosophy in itself may be viewed as promoting mental, emotional, vocational, and ethical/ spiritual wellness.

As stated by the International Business Times, “In 2005, Steve Jobs’ commencement speech inspired a crowd of young Stanford University graduates. The visionary Apple co-founder recounted crucial moments of his life and legacy, while imparting wisdom to the next generation. In revisiting the speech on the night of his death, Jobs’ own words shed light on a legend:”

“Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”

– Steve Jobs

More Information

For more on helpful technology for caregivers and seniors, see the HelpingYouCare™ resource pages on News & Updates on Technology & Other ThingsForElderNeeds™.

See also the HelpingYouCare™ resource pages on Wellness/ Healthy Living for Seniors & Caregivers, including:


Copyright © 2011 Care-Help LLC, publisher of HelpingYouCare™.


1 comment to A Tribute to Steve Jobs; Remembering His Legacy to Healthcare & Wellness

  • Steve Jobs is so inspiring – I love this article and the video of his commencement speech. Also, thanks for the helpful Apps recommendations. I’m going to try a couple of them!

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