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By Senior Editor, on July 31st, 2011
Can risk factors of heart disease be modified? The common myths regarding heart disease are dispelled by Dr. Curtis Rimmerman, cardiologist and author of “The Cleveland Clinic Guide to Speaking With Your Cardiologist.” . . . → Read More: Is Heart Disease Genetic?
By Editor, on July 30th, 2011
Johnson & Johnson’s McNeil Consumer Healthcare subsidiary, the maker of TYLENOL® and Extra Strength TYLENOL® (acetaminophen), announced on July 28, 2011, that it is lowering the maximum daily dose instructions for Extra Strength TYLENOL® from eight pills per 24 . . . → Read More: Maximum Dose of Extra Strength Tylenol Lowered from 8 to 6 Pills Per 24 Hours
By Editor, on July 29th, 2011
A new report, from the Office of the Actuary at the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in Baltimore, and published in the journal HealthAffairs on July 28, 2011, projects that overall U.S. health care costs will grow . . . → Read More: Health Care Costs to Increase by 5.8% Per Year, CMS Projects; Baby Boomers Worry About Long-Term Care
By Senior Editor, on July 28th, 2011
According to the United States Department of Labor, Arthur Winston was the most reliable worker ever chronicled. He was awarded the “Employee Of The Century” citation by the President of the U.S. in 1996. He was absent only one . . . → Read More: Arthur Winston, Employee Of The Century, Lived To Be 100
By Editor, on July 27th, 2011
A new survey presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2011 (AAIC) in Paris and administered by the Harvard School of Public Health, showed the disproportionate impact that Alzheimer’s Disease has on women in five countries — France, Germany, . . . → Read More: Women Bear Heaviest Burden of Alzheimer’s Worldwide, New Survey Shows
By Editor, on July 26th, 2011
The Health Information website of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) provides constantly updated consumer health information. It is located at: Seniors’ Health Men’s Health The MedlinePlus Guide to Healthy Web Surfing How to Evaluate Health Information on . . . → Read More: Health Information Website by NIH Provides Updated Consumer Health Information
By Senior Editor, on July 24th, 2011
Modern Health Talk is a new online community promoting home health care technologies as a way of replacing institutional care (nursing homes & assisted living) with aging in place at home. The community includes: Website (mHealthTalk.com) with general information . . . → Read More: New Site Featuring Low- and High-Tech Solutions For Home Health Care
By Editor, on July 23rd, 2011
A new study by researchers at the University of Michigan has found that higher optimism was associated with lower risk of stroke among a study sample of 6,044 adults age 50 and over, who were followed for 2 years. . . . → Read More: Optimism Lowers Risk of Stroke, Study Finds
By Editor, on July 22nd, 2011
A new study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, has concluded that up to half of Alzheimer’s cases worldwide and in the US may be attributable to seven risk factors that are potentially preventable through simple . . . → Read More: Half of Alzheimer’s Cases Attributable to 7 Risk Factors Preventable by Lifestyle Changes, Study Finds
By Editor, on July 21st, 2011
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Drug Safety Communication today, notifying healthcare professionals and patients that the FDA is conducting “an ongoing review of data from published studies” to evaluate whether taking oral osteoporosis drugs (generically . . . → Read More: FDA Warns: Osteoporosis Drugs Under Review For Potential Increased Risk of Cancer of Esophagus
By Editor, on July 21st, 2011
The U.S. Government’s official web portal, USA.gov, indicates that as of July 20, 2011, updated information has been added to several government websites providing information and resources on prescription medications, drug interactions, and coverage of prescription drug costs. Many . . . → Read More: Updated Information on Prescription Drugs Provided by US Govt Websites
By Editor, on July 20th, 2011
A new study that measured the accuracy of calorie counts stated on restaurant menus from about 40 fast-food and sit-down restaurants in 3 states has found overall accuracy but substantial inaccuracy for some foods. In particular, the researchers found . . . → Read More: Study Finds Inaccurate Calorie Counts on Restaurant Menus
By Editor, on July 19th, 2011
Two studies published today in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a journal of the American Medical Association, have found that engaging in regular physical activity is associated with less decline in cognitive function in older adults. In fact, one . . . → Read More: Regular Exercise Slows Mental Decline With Aging, Studies Find; May Make You Cognitively Younger by 5 to 7 Years
By Senior Editor, on July 18th, 2011
While many discounts to seniors begin at 55 years of age, some start as early as 50. Listed below are some sites that may help you save for yourself, your elderly loved one, or both of you. Some things . . . → Read More: Tips on Finding Senior Discounts
By Editor, on July 18th, 2011
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services issued the following Press Release today: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 18, 2011 New Private Nonprofit Health Plans Will Increase . . . → Read More: HHS Proposes Rules to Allow New Consumer Run Nonprofit CO-OP Health Insurance Plans; $3.8 Billion of Loan Financing Available
By Editor, on July 17th, 2011
Several reports recently have noted that across the nation, U.S. states are slashing Medicaid dollars for home health care services and adult day care services that help keep the elderly and disabled out of nursing homes. State lawmakers cite . . . → Read More: States Slash Home Health Care & Adult Day Care Services for the Neediest; Likely to Increase Costs
By Editor, on July 16th, 2011
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a press release on July 15, 2011, announcing the winners of the 2011 Healthy Living Innovation Awards, an awards program that highlights innovative health promotion projects, focusing on wellness, . . . → Read More: HHS Announced 8 Winners of the 2011 Healthy Living Innovation Awards
By Editor, on July 15th, 2011
A new study conducted by researchers at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Emory University School of Public Health, and Harvard School of Public Health, has found that a diet high in salt and low in . . . → Read More: Eat Less Salt & More Potassium to Live Longer, New Study Suggests
By Senior Editor, on July 14th, 2011
See some tips for dining out from the Cleveland Clinic in week #6 of their 15-week walking plan»
By Editor, on July 13th, 2011
A new study of data on 7,239 Canadian adults aged 65 and older has found that overall health, measured by a combination of health factors not traditionally associated with dementia, such as denture fit, vision, hearing, and 16 others, . . . → Read More: Overall Health May Predict Dementia Risk Better Than Previously Identified Risk Factors
By Senior Editor, on July 12th, 2011
If you or your senior loved one live in a coastal area, have you taken the advisable steps to prepare in advance for a Hurricane? If an evacuation order were given, have you planned how and where your elderly . . . → Read More: Hurricane Preparedness For Seniors and Caregivers
By Editor, on July 11th, 2011
New statistics show an alarming increase in type 2 diabetes of pandemic proportions worldwide, which is linked to the continuing, dramatic increase in obesity now being widely reported in the U.S. and worldwide. Addressing this worldwide “diabetes pandemic,” a . . . → Read More: Diabetes Pandemic Linked to Obesity Epidemic; Study Finds Early Diet Intervention Helps
By Senior Editor, on July 10th, 2011
Toyo Shibata is now celebrating her 100th birthday. She said, “I work hard to improve every day.” She has already sold 1.5 million copies of her book “Don’t Lose Heart.” Watch her story on ABC News Video» video platformvideo . . . → Read More: Japan’s Best-Selling Poet Began Writing At 92
By Senior Editor, on July 9th, 2011
Watch a segment of a PBS documentary, featuring people 90 plus living extraordinary and passionate lives, by filmmaker Susan Polis . . . → Read More: Loving Life And Over 90
By Editor, on July 8th, 2011
A new report, F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2011, from the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), shows that 68% of Americans are either overweight or obese, and adult . . . → Read More: New Report Shows Americans Getting Fatter; Serious Health & Policy Concerns
By Editor, on July 7th, 2011
Recently controversy has swirled around a website, QuantiaMD, which provides a physician-to-physician educational presentation entitled, “Managing the Difficult Patient.” This controversy has raised questions about how patients can make the most constructive and helpful use of the vast quantity . . . → Read More: Can a Patient Know Too Much? Are You Annoying Your Doctors?
By Editor, on July 6th, 2011
In its July 4 issue, Johns Hopkins Health Alerts published a checklist of 9 common-sense tips to help overcome minor memory lapses that come with aging. Johns Hopkins cautions that “age-associated memory impairment can’t be eliminated completely,” but, they . . . → Read More: 9 Common-Sense Tips to Improve Your Memory from Johns Hopkins
By Editor, on July 5th, 2011
A new study by Harvard researchers has found that adhering to a healthy lifestyle, including not smoking, exercising regularly, having a low body weight and eating a healthy diet, lowered by 92 percent the risk of sudden cardiac . . . → Read More: Healthy Lifestyle Associated With 92 Percent Lower Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death
By Senior Editor, on July 4th, 2011
Concerned about seasickness or cruise ship outbreaks of norovirus? Watch these videos for some helpful tips for a safe and healthy cruise vacation from the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Disease (NCEZID)» CDC Video Player. Flash Player . . . → Read More: How To Stay Healthy On A Cruise
By Editor, on July 3rd, 2011
A new UK study has found that smokers who participated in an smoking cessation program called “text2stop” which was delivered by automated mobile phone text messages achieved continuous abstinence at 6 months at twice the rate of a control . . . → Read More: Automated Motivational Text Messages Help Stop Smoking
By Senior Editor, on July 1st, 2011
How long can hot or cold food be left out on the kitchen counter, or outside in hot weather? See the Food and Drug Administration guidelines and tips here» What is the minimum safe cooking temperature for beef? What . . . → Read More: Some Fouth of July Barbecue Tips For Avoiding Bacteria
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Follow-Up Programs Help Prevent Hospital Readmission, But Hospitals Have Financial Incentive Not to Implement Them
Two new studies published today in the Archives of Internal Medicine give hope that readmission to hospitals within 30 days after discharge can be reduced significantly by programs that include coaching of the patient at the time of discharge, . . . → Read More: Follow-Up Programs Help Prevent Hospital Readmission, But Hospitals Have Financial Incentive Not to Implement Them