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Skin Cancers – Symptoms & Diagnosis: Classic Sources
By Editor, on June 18th, 2011
June, 2011 issue of the Archives of Dermatology, a Journal of the American Medical Association, concluded: “Screening and surveillance efforts should focus on patients 50 years or older and those with a personal history of skin cancer or a . . . → Read More: Screening for Melanoma Found Most Effective in Patients 50 Years or Older
By Editor, on January 20th, 2011
To help identify when a mole or skin discoloration may be of concern, see this slide show by the Mayo Clinic. If you have any questions or doubt, see your doctor. Most skin melanomas can be cured, and the . . . → Read More: Mayo Clinic Slide show: Melanoma pictures to help identify skin cancer
By Page Editor, on October 30th, 2010
Cleveland Clinic. Describes and pictures the three major types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma, and explains the signs and symptoms of each, how each is diagnosed, and when you should be examined by . . . → Read More: Treatment – Skin Cancer: Basal Cell, Squamous Cell, Malignant Melanoma
By Page Editor, on October 30th, 2010
SkinCancerNet, website of the American Academy of Dermatology. Explains what is involved in diagnosing skin cancer. “The only way to confirm or exclude the presence of skin cancer is with a biopsy. A biopsy is a diagnostic procedure that . . . → Read More: Biopsy: What to Expect
By Page Editor, on October 30th, 2010
American Cancer Society. Describes the signs and symptoms and different types of biopsies used to diagnose squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma. >>View Info
By Page Editor, on October 30th, 2010
American Cancer Society. Describes the The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM System of staging cancers. Staging is the process of finding out and classifying how far a cancer has spread. This is part of the diagnosis, although . . . → Read More: How Is Squamous and Basal Cell Skin Cancer Staged?
By Page Editor, on October 30th, 2010
SkinCancerNet, website of the American Academy of Dermatology. Explains how to perform a skin self-examination for skin cancer, and also generally what is involved in an examination by a dermatologist. >>View Info
By Page Editor, on October 30th, 2010
American Cancer Society. Describes the procedures used to diagnose melanoma, including the physical exam with medical history, the different types of biopsies used to diagnose melanoma, and imaging tests used to determine how far the cancer may have spread. . . . → Read More: How Is Melanoma Diagnosed?
By Page Editor, on October 30th, 2010
SkinCancerNet, website of the American Academy of Dermatology. When skin cancer is diagnosed, the first thing the dermatologist must find out is how far it has spread. This is staging. This website page explains the process for staging. With . . . → Read More: Staging: The First Step in Treating Skin Cancer
By Page Editor, on October 30th, 2010
National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 25 page booklet with comprehensive information on common moles and dysplastic nevi (atypical moles). Shows what moles look like and how they may be related . . . → Read More: What you Need to Know About Moles and Moles and Dysplastic Nevi
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Constance R. Barnhart Attorney at Law Managing Member
30 Years of law practice at large law firms
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401 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 1400
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Telephone: (954) 545-4994
Member: 3CsLawyers.org (See Below).
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