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Diabetes – Treatment
By Editor, on November 19th, 2012
As part of its national observation of Diabetes Awareness Month this November, the American Diabetes Association has published a new Family Classics Diabetes Cookbook with diabetes-friendly recipes, which it says can benefit everyone this Thanksgiving — whether you have . . . → Read More: Everyone May Benefit from Diabetes-Friendly Recipes at Thanksgiving
By Editor, on October 25th, 2012
A new study published October 22 in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a journal of the American Medical Association, has found that type 2 diabetes patients who consumed at least one cup of legumes (such as beans, chickpeas or . . . → Read More: Eating Legumes May Help Diabetes Patients Control Blood Sugar & Lower Heart Disease Risk, Study Finds
By Editor, on June 25th, 2012
A new study conducted on mice by researchers at the University of Iowa, found that ursolic acid, a compound found in apple peels, may help build muscle and fight obesity, glucose intolerance (characteristic of diabetes), and fatty liver disease. . . . → Read More: Compound in Apples May Help Build Muscles & Fight Obesity and Diabetes, New Study Suggests
By Editor, on March 8th, 2012
A new study has found that even 20 minutes of exercise by sedentary adults actually changed the DNA in their muscle cells within minutes. The DNA was changed in a way that helps the muscles work better for further . . . → Read More: Exercise Changes DNA for the Better, New Study Finds
By Editor, on November 6th, 2011
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has declared November as American Diabetes Month. This is an annual event, a time to become informed about diabetes and the importance of diabetes prevention and control. As illustrated in the ADA poster at . . . → Read More: November is American Diabetes Month
By Editor, on September 7th, 2011
A new study has found that each of five healthy lifestyle factors incrementally lowered one’s risk of getting diabetes by an additional 31% to 39% in a large 11-year study of approximately 207,000 men and women aged 50 to . . . → Read More: 5 Healthy Lifestyle Factors Incrementally Reduce Risk of Diabetes, Study Finds
By Editor, on July 11th, 2011
New statistics show an alarming increase in type 2 diabetes of pandemic proportions worldwide, which is linked to the continuing, dramatic increase in obesity now being widely reported in the U.S. and worldwide. Addressing this worldwide “diabetes pandemic,” a . . . → Read More: Diabetes Pandemic Linked to Obesity Epidemic; Study Finds Early Diet Intervention Helps
By Editor, on May 20th, 2011
The National Diabetes Education Program, jointly sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), has issued a checklist of tips to help you travel with diabetes. These may be helpful to . . . → Read More: Tips for Traveling With Diabetes Issued by NIH and CDC
By Page Editor, on December 5th, 2010
Learn about tests to manage your own blood glucose. By National Diabetes Education Program, National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. >>View Info
By Page Editor, on December 5th, 2010
30 page paper with recommendations by the Consumers Union, 2007. >>View Info
By Health Editor, on December 5th, 2010
See also, the information under “Prevention.” Because there is no known cure for diabetes, treatment consists of management of the disease, including the same diet, exercise and other steps beneficial for prevention of diabetes.
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Ms. Barnhart is the Founder and Managing Member of Care-Help LLC, Publisher of HelpingYouCare®
A Nationwide Network of Attorneys Dedicated to the Principles of:
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2012 Future of Medicine Summit to Focus on Mental Health, Heart Disease and Diabetes
The Palm Beach County Medical Society announced that it will hold its sixth annual Future of Medicine Summit on September 27-28, 2012. A number of notable national and regional health care experts will speak at the Summit, which will . . . → Read More: 2012 Future of Medicine Summit to Focus on Mental Health, Heart Disease and Diabetes