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Frequently late? Often angry or irritated? Unsure of your ability to do something? Overextended? Not enough time for stress relief? A new report by Harvard Medical School, Stress Management: Approaches for preventing and reducing stress, "can h...

A new report issued September 18, 2012 projects that if current trends continue, in 39 U.S. States more than 50% of adults could be obese by 2030, 13 states could have adult obesity rates above 60 percent, and all 50 states would have obesity rates of ...

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced a new initiative, called "Team Up. Pressure Down," in which the CDC and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will team with pharmacists to help educate patients o...

In a statement issued May 2, Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sebelius announced that May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month and Stroke Awareness Month. These events, sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Inst...

The American Heart Association and other organizations are holding a series of nationwide events in February as part of "American Heart Month." The purpose of this annual initiative, sponsored by the American Heart Association, is to call attention to...
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. >> View Info
Website of the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health. Provides medical information on the nature, causes and effects of high blood pressure, as well as its incidence, who is at risk, signs and symptoms, diagnosis an...
MedlinePlus, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Good overview and links to information about high blood pressure, its nature, causes, effects, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. >>View Info
Aging in The Know, by American Geriatric Society's Foundation for Health in Aging. Explains that over half of people over age 65 have high blood pressure (also called hypertension). High blood pressure can increase risks of heart attack and stroke, e...
U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Office of Women’s Health. >>View Info
National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health. Basic information on high blood pressure, the risks of which increase with aging, how to measure it and steps to prevent and control it. >>View Info
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Website of the CDC containing medical information on high blood pressure and blood pressure generally, as well as facts an...
Interactive Tool by Harvard Consumer Health Content. Helps you test and expand your basic knowledge of high blood pressure. >>View Info
a multimedia tutorial on hypertension (high blood pressure) by MedlinePlus, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. >>View Info
a Tutorial by the National Institutes of Health about high blood pressure in seniors. Includes discussions of medical aspects, warning signs and risk factors, prevention and diagnosis, treatment and research, frequently asked questions, and links to fu...
See Archives of Additional Classic Sources on High Blood Pressure – What is it; Causes.
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A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has found that a group of men with obstructive sleep apnea who also had high blood pressure, benefited from a significant lowering of their blood pressure when their sleep apnea was treate...

A new study has found an association between cardiovascular disease and exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a manmade chemical used in the manufacture of several common household products. The study of 1,216 individuals was conducted by Anoo...

According to a report posted March 26 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), "About 9 in 10 Americans aged 2 years and older eat too much sodium." "There is strong evidence that eating too much sodium [salt] raises blood pre...

In a new article entitled "What is it about coffee?" the editors of Harvard Health Publications, discuss some of the known benefits and drawbacks of drinking coffee. The new article on coffee is found in Sleep, Hygiene, Quit Smoking & Other Healthy ...

In their new book entitled, Heart 411: The Only Guide to Heart Health You'll Ever Need, two renowned heart experts, heart surgeon Marc Gillinov and cardiologist Steven Nissen, both of the Cleveland Clinic, tackle some prominent misconceptions about hea...

Harvard Medical School has recently issued a new HealthBeat report, published by Harvard Health Publications, with practical tips on how to measure your blood pressure at home. "Checking blood pressure at home won't cure hypertension, but it will he...
See Archives of More Sources (Continually Updated) on High Blood Pressure – What is it; Causes.
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