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A new study by doctors at the University of Montreal and an associated Montreal hospital have found that about half of seniors with visually impairing eye diseases report limiting their social activities due to fear of falling. This also places the se...

New research published September 12 in The Cochrane Library has found that of several fall-prevention methods studied, exercise including strength and balance training was most effective in reducing the risk of falling for seniors. Modifications o...

June has been designated "National Safety Month," an annual observance sponsored by the National Safety Council (NSC), a non-profit organization, "to increase awareness of the top causes of preventable injuries and deaths and to encourage safe behavior...

The HHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reports that fall-related injuries are responsible for about two million visits to hospital emergency departments per year, according to a May 12, 2011 HealthBeat report issued by the U.S. Department o...
Watch this video for good tips on how to make the bathroom safer for your elderly parent or other elderly loved one»
A thorough checklist by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Foundation and MetLife Foundation. Caregivers should review this carefully and implement these suggestions for their elderly loved ones.
by the American Geriatric Society, Foundation for Health in Aging. Information for the caregiver on understanding the problem, when to get professional help, what you can do to help, carrying out and adjusting your plan, and checking on progress. &...
by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Makes the point that a major cause of falls is improper footwear and foot problems that it causes, and provides tips for injury prevention. As a caregiver, be sure to see that your elderly loved one has...
Brochure by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. As a caregiver, you can help your elderly loved one do four things to prevent falls: (1) begin a regular exercise program, (2) have your loved ...
by the American Geriatrics Society, British Geriatrics Society, and American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Panel on Falls Prevention. Geared primarily to health care professionals, this medical paper is also instructive for family caregivers. It re...
Washington Post, July 19, 2008. Cites study by American Geriatric Society, finding that falls are a leading cause of serious injury and death among the elderly, and most of those falls occur in the home. Includes suggestions for making the home safe...
See Archives of Additional Classic Sources on Falls/ Fractures/ Mobility Loss – Caregiving.
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According to a special health report issued by Harvard Health Publications of Harvard Medical School, "Sarcopenia—the gradual decrease in muscle tissue—starts at around age 30, [and] the average 30-year-old can expect to lose about 25% of muscle ma...

"More than 4 in 10 Americans will experience an episode of dizziness sometime during their lives that’s significant enough to send them to a doctor," according to the August, 2012 issue of NIH News in Health, a monthly newsletter published by the Nat...

Harvard Health Publications has issued a newly revised Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School on "Foot Care Basics: Preventing and treating common foot conditions." "Three out of four Americans will suffer some kind of foot ailment in the...

Harvard Health Publications has published a new Special Health Report entitled, "The Joint Pain Relief Workout: Healing exercises for your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles." The Report provides exercises designed by doctors at Harvard Medical Sc...

Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida offers a free interdisciplinary Fall Prevention Evaluation for older adults who are at risk due to balance problems. "This service provides a one-time, comprehensive, multiple discipline evaluation for...

A new study by researchers at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan, has found that mice fed Vitamin E supplement in a quantity similar to that consumed by many people taking Vitamin E supplements lost bone mass, while those bred to be deficient in Vitamin E...

Harvard Health Publications has issued a revised and updated version of its Special Health Report on "Low Back Pain: Healing Your Aching Back," written by experts at Harvard Medical School. According to Harvard Health Publications, "Back pain is one...

The University of Sidney, Australia has announced a new study to test whether twice weekly ballroom dancing can restore balance and strength and prevent falls in older adults. The one-year long study, entitled “The effectiveness of social dancing ...

Assistance Dogs (sometimes called "Service Dogs") provide remarkable help for those with limited mobility. In addition to the salutary love, bond, and companionship that the dogs provide, Assistance Dogs are trained to help with many tasks that make...

The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) has declared October as "National Physical Therapy Month." "Mobility is the key ingredient to aging successfully and remaining active and independent throughout our lives," said R Scott Ward, PT, PhD, P...
Home Safety Council finds many homes lack critical safety elements, by A study by the Home Safety Council found that even though falls are the leading cause of home injury-related death among older adults, critical falls prevention ...
Sample chapter, excerpt: “Impaired mobility places the patient at risk for skin breakdown, falls, and psychological isolation… Healthcare providers must work together (physicians, nurses, physical therapists, nursing assistants, etc.) to provide ra...
by Temple University School of Medicine and Department of Public Health, funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Training manual for the HEROS© (Health, Education, Research Outreach fo...
See Archives of More Sources (Continually Updated) on Falls/ Fractures/ Mobility Loss – Caregiving.
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