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The HHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reports that fall-related injuries are responsible for about two million visits to hospital emergency departments per year, according to a May 12, 2011 HealthBeat report issued by the U.S. Department o...
Osteoporosis, a loss of bone mass that comes with aging, makes the bones brittle and subject to easy fracture through falls or even without falls. An important part of preventing injury of older persons through falls is to diagnose for osteoporosis, a...
by Cedars-Sinai Health System. A good discussion of the symptoms (or lack thereof), diagnosis, causes, risk factors, treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. Good bone health is a key part of avoiding falls and fractures. >>View Info
by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Discusses the diagnostic tests used to test for osteoporosis. >>View Info
by the American Physical Therapy Association. Understand whether you have a balance or posture problem, and learn about exercises to help correct it. >>View Info
by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Describes the diagnostic imaging techniques used to give doctors a picture of the patient’s bones, organs, muscles, tendons, nerves, and cartilage, in order to determine if there are any abnormalities,...
by the National Institutes of Health – Senior Health. Causes and prevention, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment and research, frequently asked questions, and links to additional resources. >>View Info
by the American Geriatric Society, Foundation for Health in Aging. Information on causes, evaluation, and treatment of walking problems. Early diagnosis and treatment of walking problems are important to prevent falls. >>View Info
See Archives of Additional Classic Sources on Falls/ Fractures/ Mobility Loss – Symptoms & Diagnosis.
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A new study by doctors at the University of Montreal and an associated Montreal hospital have found that about half of seniors with visually impairing eye diseases report limiting their social activities due to fear of falling. This also places the se...

New research published September 12 in The Cochrane Library has found that of several fall-prevention methods studied, exercise including strength and balance training was most effective in reducing the risk of falling for seniors. Modifications o...

"More than 4 in 10 Americans will experience an episode of dizziness sometime during their lives that’s significant enough to send them to a doctor," according to the August, 2012 issue of NIH News in Health, a monthly newsletter published by the Nat...

Harvard Health Publications has issued a newly revised Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School on "Foot Care Basics: Preventing and treating common foot conditions." "Three out of four Americans will suffer some kind of foot ailment in the...

Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida offers a free interdisciplinary Fall Prevention Evaluation for older adults who are at risk due to balance problems. "This service provides a one-time, comprehensive, multiple discipline evaluation for...

Harvard Health Publications has issued a revised and updated version of its Special Health Report on "Low Back Pain: Healing Your Aching Back," written by experts at Harvard Medical School. According to Harvard Health Publications, "Back pain is one...
National Women’s Health Resource Center, From HealthDay, September 8, 2008. Study suggests that lack of sleep is a predictor of falls. >>View Info
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Discusses types of diagnostic testing which should be done to discover injuries to nerves and muscles, if the patient has pain, weakness or numbness in his or her back, neck or hands. >>View Info
See Archives of More Sources (Continually Updated) on Falls/ Fractures/ Mobility Loss – Symptoms & Diagnosis.
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