What Diet is Best for You: Critique of Atkins Diet
By Editor, on January 18th, 2012
In a presentation made at a meeting of the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii, George Eisman, Registered Dietitian, offered a critique of the high-protein Atkins Diet, and discussed what foods are best for human health.
According to Mr. Eisman,
green leafy vegetables are the most healthful food you can eat,
too much protein can be harmful to your kidneys,
high consumption of trans-fats can increase risk of clogged arteries and heart disease,
studies have shown that foods and drinks containing high-fructose corn syrup or artificial sweetners actually increase your appetite and cause you to eat more calories than those who eat comparable foods containing actual sugar,
highly processed foods from which nutrients have been removed (such as white rice) are bad for the health and can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies; natural brown rice containing the natural nutrients is better for your health.
See this video of Mr. Eisman’s lecture to learn more »
This presentation by George Eisman, RD, was made at a meeting of the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii (http://www.vsh.org). According to the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii and the editor of this video:
“George Eisman has taught nutrition at the college and university level since 1980 and created the nation’s first credit program in Vegetarian Studies. He is a Registered Dietitian and has lectured at national and international nutrition conferences. He has written articles for the Journal of Nutrition Education and Vegetarian Times and now teaches the VEGEDINE Home-Study Course in Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition. He is the author of that course’s text, entitled A Basic Course in Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition and also the popular book on ethical eating called The Most Noble Diet.”
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