U.S. News Has Released 2011 Best Nursing Homes Rankings
By Editor, on February 12th, 2011
U.S. News Media Group has released its 2011 Best Nursing Homes rankings. The 2011 rankings include more than 15,000 nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities nationwide.
U.S. News ranks the nursing homes by state, using data and quality ratings from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency that sets and enforces quality standards for all nursing homes enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid. U.S. News features the top 18 facilities that received perfect five-star ratings for four consecutive quarters in all three categories in which homes are judged.
Search tools are included to help you locate a nursing home or other type of care facility by location, type of facility, and other factors. Among the other factors are religious affiliation, insurance coverage, and the quality (star) rating assigned to the home by the government.
Nursing Homes receive an overall rating of one to five stars from the government based on the number of stars earned in three other categories: health inspections, nurse staffing, and quality of care.
Visit the U.S. News Search Tool to search for a nursing home. You can search by State first, and then refine your search to include the overall star rating, whether the home accepts Medicare or Medicaid, the ownership type (non-profit corporate; non-profit religious affiliated; non-profit other; government; or for-profit), city, state and zip code, and name of facility. You can also broaden your search to other types of facilities.
Read more about the U.S. News Rankings » U.S. News Media Group Releases Best Nursing Homes.
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