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Wellness/ Healthy Living for Seniors & Caregivers

Six Healthy Lifestyle Choices Slow Memory Decline, Huge New 10 Year Study Confirms

A significant new study of more than 29,000 older adults conducted over a 10 year period has confirmed that six healthy lifestyle habits slow memory decline. The six healthy lifestyle habits measured include: Eating a healthy diet (adherence . . . → Read More: Six Healthy Lifestyle Choices Slow Memory Decline, Huge New 10 Year Study Confirms


Meet Amazing and Inspiring Edith Kirkmeyer - Facebook's Oldest User at 105 Years Old!

At 105 years old, Edith Kirkmeyer is said to be Facebook’s oldest user! She says, “When I was 95 years old, my children gave her a computer, a printer, and a digital camera, and turned me loose!” And, she . . . → Read More: Meet Amazing and Inspiring Edith Kirkmeyer – Facebook’s Oldest User at 105 Years Old!


Study Finds 3 Best Exercises to Cut Upper Arm Flab & Strengthen Tricepts

A study conducted by scientists at the University of Wisconsin has isolated the three most effective tricepts exercises – which are most effective in eliminating upper arm flab. The study was sponsored by the American Council on Exercise . . . → Read More: Study Finds 3 Best Exercises to Cut Upper Arm Flab & Strengthen Tricepts


Michael Garland and Carol Constant - Both in their 60s - Prove that Dancing Keeps You Young!

Michael Garland, 67 years old, and Carol Constant, 68, perform regularly at “all the best Dance Clubs” in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area. The former Texas State Dance Champions continue to WOW audiences with their dancing – including everything . . . → Read More: Michael Garland and Carol Constant – Both in their 60s – Prove that Dancing Keeps You Young!


Eating Vegetables May Prolong Your Life, Large Study Finds

Many sources recognize June 17 as “National Eat Your Vegetables Day.” Whatever the origins of this national health observance, the wisdom of encouraging Americans to consume more fruit and vegetables is underscored by a large new study published in . . . → Read More: Eating Vegetables May Prolong Your Life, Large Study Finds


91-Year-Old Harriette Thompson Sets Marathon Record

On June 2, 91-year-old Harriette Thompson set a record when she completed the San Diego Marathon in 7 hours, 7 minutes and 42 seconds. This was the fastest time for a woman over 90. The previous record was just . . . → Read More: 91-Year-Old Harriette Thompson Sets Marathon Record


Ideas & Checklists for New Years Resolutions - for Caregivers and Seniors

UPDATED: This article is updated from an article that appeared on HelpingYouCare® on December 31, 2014. Happy New Year! Now is the exhilarating time for a new beginning — the time to make New Years resolutions for the coming . . . → Read More: Ideas & Checklists for New Years Resolutions – for Caregivers and Seniors


The Poms Senior Dancers Show That Dance Keeps You Young!

The Poms, a group of senior dancers in Sun City, Arizona, perform to sold-out crowds and impress young and old alike with their agility, balance, headstands, and amazing moves! They are inspiring proof of the benefits of regular dance . . . → Read More: The Poms Senior Dancers Show That Dance Keeps You Young!


Tips & Facts to Help You Celebrate a Happy, Meaningful & Safe Fourth of July!

As we all know, Independence Day, the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States.  It is a day on which we celebrate the founding and independence of our nation.  The Declaration of Independence, declaring independence . . . → Read More: Tips & Facts to Help You Celebrate a Happy, Meaningful & Safe Fourth of July!


95% of People Do Not Wash Their Hands Sufficiently, New Study Finds

For a new study published in the Journal of Environmental Health, researchers from Michigan State University, watched 3,749 people attempt (or not attempt) to wash their hands after using public bathrooms located across a college town in Michigan. They . . . → Read More: 95% of People Do Not Wash Their Hands Sufficiently, New Study Finds


AMA Votes to Recognize Obesity as a Disease

The American Medical Association (AMA), the largest and primary professional organization of medical doctors in the U.S., passed a resolution at their annual meeting on June 18, officially declaring that obesity shall be recognized as a disease. The AMA . . . → Read More: AMA Votes to Recognize Obesity as a Disease


Never Too Late For Fitness Training Advises 93-Year-Old

93-Year-Old Willa Asbornsen says it is never too late to begin fitness training. She resolved five years ago to move out of her nursing home and live alone. She starting working out with a personal trainer to insure her . . . → Read More: Never Too Late For Fitness Training Advises 93-Year-Old


President Obama Delivers Father's Day Address Encouraging Responsible Fatherhood

Drawing on his own personal experiences, including his own lack of a present father in his life — experiences that taught him the importance of a responsible father for every family — President Obama delivered a moving message for . . . → Read More: President Obama Delivers Father’s Day Address Encouraging Responsible Fatherhood


A Father's Day Health Message

The following video produced by Wellness News, presents a moving tribute in song to Fathers. At the same time, it reminds whole families of important steps that men can take to protect their health and wellness.   View the . . . → Read More: A Father’s Day Health Message


Spotlight on Men's Health from Georgetown University

As part of Men’s Health Week (which runs from June 10 through Father’s Day, June 16), Erica Moss, Community Manager of Georgetown University’s Online Masters in Nursing Program, together with Georgetown University, has prepared an infographic spotlighting men’s health . . . → Read More: Spotlight on Men’s Health from Georgetown University


91 Year Old Sy Perlis Breaks World Weight-Lifting Record

On Saturday at the National Push-Pull Bench Press and Dead Lift Championships in Phoenix, Sy Perlis easily hoisted a 187.2-pound weight over his chest, at age 91! That broke the record lift of 135 pounds that had been in . . . → Read More: 91 Year Old Sy Perlis Breaks World Weight-Lifting Record


Men's Health Week, culminating on Father's Day, Focuses on Wellness & Prevention

The week of June 10, culminating on Father’s Day, June 16, has been declared “Men’s Health Week,” both internationally and in the U.S., and the month of June is “Men’s Health Month.” These observances highlight men’s health facts, and . . . → Read More: Men’s Health Week, culminating on Father’s Day, Focuses on Wellness & Prevention


How to Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Extreme Heat, CDC Issues New Resources

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced a new website, video and other resources with tips and information on extreme heat and how to prevent heat-related deaths and illness, as temperatures rise this summer. In . . . → Read More: How to Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Extreme Heat, CDC Issues New Resources


Do Nuts & Olive Oil Help Preserve Cognitive Function?

A new study by researchers at three universities and several medical institutions in Spain has linked a Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil or nuts to better cognitive function in older people than was associated with a low-fat diet, . . . → Read More: Do Nuts & Olive Oil Help Preserve Cognitive Function?


80 Years Old Does Not Have to Be Old!

80-Year-Old John Pistone stays in tremendous shape by working out daily. He is living proof you do not have to be old and 80. In fact, he is in better shape than many who are decades younger. When . . . → Read More: 80 Years Old Does Not Have to Be Old!


80-Year-Old Runner Still Competing in 10K Events

80-Year-old Derek Porter has run 16 marathons and more than 100 half-marathons. He runs up to five times a week and still competes in 10k races. He took up running when he was about 40. Watch Jeremy Winter’s interview . . . → Read More: 80-Year-Old Runner Still Competing in 10K Events


Still Having Fun and over 100 Years Old

Dorothy Custer demonstrates one of the secrets of her longevity to Jay Leno. It’s comedy! She has appeared twice on “The Tonight Show.” As a teacher some years ago, she found a better reaction from her students if she . . . → Read More: Still Having Fun and over 100 Years Old


Combatting Age With Exercise

93-Year-old Dr. Charles Eugster took up bodybuilding at age 87. He is a 3-times world champion in master’s fitness events. From his blog on Facebook: “For young adults, strength and increase in muscle mass may not be a . . . → Read More: Combatting Age With Exercise


Displaying Exercise Needed to Burn Off Foods Helps People Cut Calories Consumed, New Study Finds

A new study by researchers at Texas Christian University (TCU) has found that out of a group of 300 study participants, those ordering from a menu that displayed the amount of exercise needed to burn off the calories in . . . → Read More: Displaying Exercise Needed to Burn Off Foods Helps People Cut Calories Consumed, New Study Finds


The 100-Meter Dash For 90-Year-Olds!

94-Year-old Emiel Pauwels and 95-year-old Ilmari Koppinen compete in the 100-meter dash. A surprising victory! Watch »   See More Stories of Inspiring Seniors on . . . → Read More: The 100-Meter Dash For 90-Year-Olds!


HHS Announces New Digital & Mobile Health Apps to Help You Stay Healthy

In a HealthBeat message and podcast issued on April 22, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) pronounced that “Your health is going digital. Health applications on the go are becoming more available.” The message describes new . . . → Read More: HHS Announces New Digital & Mobile Health Apps to Help You Stay Healthy


New Link Found Between Red Meat and Heart Disease: an Intestinal Bacteria

In a new study published April 7 in the journal Nature Medicine, scientists from the Cleveland Clinic reported evidence suggesting that the long-known link between eating red meat and increased risk of heart disease may be explained not just . . . → Read More: New Link Found Between Red Meat and Heart Disease: an Intestinal Bacteria


Muscle Cramps

Dr. Bob from the DrBobShow.com tells us what causes muscle cramps and suggests some remedies. Watch »


108-Year-Old Blogger

108-Year-old Olive Riley was believed to have been the world’s oldest blogger. She began her blog at the age of 107 and continued until her passing at age 108. According to Wikipedia, Ruth Hamilton of Orlando, Florida was later . . . → Read More: 108-Year-Old Blogger


New Study Finds Link Between Processed Meats and Early Death

A large new study of half a million people across Europe, published in the medical journal BMC Medicine, has found that people who regularly eat processed meats (ham, bacon, hot dogs, salami, some sausages, and ready-to-eat packaged meats) appear . . . → Read More: New Study Finds Link Between Processed Meats and Early Death


Women's History Month Honors Women's Contributions in Medicine, Science & Math

March is Women’s History Month. This observance was first declared by a law passed by Congress in 1987, and has been continued by Act of Congress or Declaration of the President each year since then. According to a news . . . → Read More: Women’s History Month Honors Women’s Contributions in Medicine, Science & Math


Risks of Calcium Supplements Highlighted by New Study & Govt Recommendation

A large new study conducted by Swedish researchers has found that older women who consumed more than 1,400 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day (from food and calcium supplements combined) were more than twice as likely to die from . . . → Read More: Risks of Calcium Supplements Highlighted by New Study & Govt Recommendation


Another Ballroom Competition Next Week (For a 93-Year-Old!)

Tenho Connable, a 93-year-old woman in Kalamazoo, Michigan will compete in a Las Vegas ballroom dance competition next week. She says, “I am often the only one in my age category. So that takes a little bit of the . . . → Read More: Another Ballroom Competition Next Week (For a 93-Year-Old!)


Weight Gain, Depression & Other Often-Mistaken Symptoms Could Signify Thyroid Disease, Harvard Reports

“The symptoms of thyroid diseases are so wide-ranging—affecting your mood, energy, body temperature, weight, heart, and more—that it may be difficult to get the correct diagnosis right away,” according to the authors of a recent Special Health Report on . . . → Read More: Weight Gain, Depression & Other Often-Mistaken Symptoms Could Signify Thyroid Disease, Harvard Reports


70-Year-Old Is the Oldest Man to Swim the English Channel

Roger Allsopp, at 70 years old, broke the World Record as the oldest man to swim the 21 nautical mile English Channel. The retired breast cancer surgeon did so in under 18 hours beating the previous slightly younger world . . . → Read More: 70-Year-Old Is the Oldest Man to Swim the English Channel


Baby Boomers Not as Healthy as Their Parents, New Research Finds

New research reported in the February 4 issue of JAMA Internal Medicine, a journal of the American Medical Association, has found that, “Despite their longer life expectancy over previous generations, U.S. baby boomers have higher rates of chronic disease, . . . → Read More: Baby Boomers Not as Healthy as Their Parents, New Research Finds


Weight-Loss Myths and Facts Identified by New Research Paper Cast in Doubt by Financial Disclosures of Researchers

In a new research paper published January 31 in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers at the University of Alabama claim that “using internet searches of popular media and scientific literature,” they have identified 7 myths, 6 “unproven . . . → Read More: Weight-Loss Myths and Facts Identified by New Research Paper Cast in Doubt by Financial Disclosures of Researchers


Vegetarian Diet Cuts Risk of Heart Disease by a Dramatic 32%, Large New Study Finds

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford in England, and involving 44,561 participants in England and Scotland, has found that those who ate a vegetarian diet were a full 32% less likely to die from . . . → Read More: Vegetarian Diet Cuts Risk of Heart Disease by a Dramatic 32%, Large New Study Finds


Late Meal Time for Largest Meal of the Day May Delay Weight Loss, New Research Finds

A new study conducted by researchers in Spain and at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and Tufts University found that out of 420 middle-aged dieters in Spain, those who ate a late lunch (lunch being the largest . . . → Read More: Late Meal Time for Largest Meal of the Day May Delay Weight Loss, New Research Finds


Longevity Secrets from an 82-Year-Old Ironman

82-Year-Old Ironman, Lew Hollander, recommends “going anaerobic” with an exercise program every day, rather than taking supplements. Check with your doctor before undertaking any exercise program. Watch »   See More Stories of Inspiring Seniors on . . . → Read More: Longevity Secrets from an 82-Year-Old Ironman


Can You Strengthen Your Immune System?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) report that the flu epidemic currently sweeping the U.S. is striking older adults with weakened immune systems the hardest. “Because your immune system weakens . . . → Read More: Can You Strengthen Your Immune System?


New Web Resource to Help Evaluate Medical Tests & Treatments - Their Benefits, Harms & Costs - Launched by American College of Physicians

The American College of Physicians (ACP), the largest specialist physicians organization in the U.S., announced on January 16 that it has launched a new “High Value Care website” “to help physicians and other health care professionals, medical students, and . . . → Read More: New Web Resource to Help Evaluate Medical Tests & Treatments – Their Benefits, Harms & Costs – Launched by American College of Physicians


Stop the Spread of Viruses and Germs at Home

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article and video are updated from an earlier version that appeared on HelpingYouCare® October 9, 2011. They contain important health and prevention reminders which are particularly relevant as we currently face a widespread flu epidemic in . . . → Read More: Stop the Spread of Viruses and Germs at Home


Core Exercises Key to Good Health, Balance & Proficiency in Sports & All Activities, Harvard Reports

What are “Core Exercises?” If you answered, “Abs,” you are only partially right. “Core muscles go far beyond the readily recognized ‘six-pack’ abs that swimsuit models sport,” the authors of a Harvard Medical School Special Health Report on “Core . . . → Read More: Core Exercises Key to Good Health, Balance & Proficiency in Sports & All Activities, Harvard Reports


97 Year-Old Exercise Teacher

97-Year-old gymnastic instructor, Liesel Weiser, a former ballet dancer, has been teaching physical fitness for the last 75 years. She continues to teach gym and ballet to residents in her retirement home. Watch a video of her taken . . . → Read More: 97-Year-Old Exercise Teacher


CDC Advises on Flu Prevention; Reports on Flu Epidemic Sweeping Nation

According to the latest Seasonal Flu Surveillance (FluView) Report, issued today by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “the United States is having an early flu season with most of the country now experiencing high levels . . . → Read More: CDC Advises on Flu Prevention; Reports on Flu Epidemic Sweeping Nation


Vision Problems Commonly Lead Older Adults to Limit Activity for Fear of Falling, New Study Finds

A new study by doctors at the University of Montreal and an associated Montreal hospital have found that about half of seniors with visually impairing eye diseases report limiting their social activities due to fear of falling. This also . . . → Read More: Vision Problems Commonly Lead Older Adults to Limit Activity for Fear of Falling, New Study Finds


Two Exercises to Help Prevent Knee Injuries

Many doctors and physical trainers recommend strengthening all the muscles around the knee, such as quadriceps, hamstrings, and the calf, as a way of helping to prevent knee injuries. Before embarking on any exercise program, consult your doctor first. . . . → Read More: Two Exercises to Help Prevent Knee Injuries


Fructose Affects Brain Chemistry in Ways that Lead to Obesity, New Study Suggests

A new study conducted by doctors at Yale University School of Medicine and published in the January 2 issue of JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association, has found evidence suggesting that consuming fructose affects regions of the . . . → Read More: Fructose Affects Brain Chemistry in Ways that Lead to Obesity, New Study Suggests


One Voluntary Act of Kindness Could Start a Movement to Help Those in Need

One simple act of kindness to help someone in need, by Bus Driver Kristian Doubledee in Winnipeg, Canada, may have helped move a nation, or two, to focus on the true meaning of Christmas — giving and helping . . . → Read More: One Voluntary Act of Kindness Could Start a Movement to Help Those in Need


Seniors in their 70s and 80s Volunteer to Help Distribute Food to Those in Need

Thirty-six years ago Tony Lampa and three of his neighbors saw that good tomatoes were going to waste because the tomato vines in their gardens and back yards were producing more beautiful tomatoes than they were able to eat. . . . → Read More: Seniors in their 70s and 80s Volunteer to Help Distribute Food to Those in Need


Tips to Keep the Holiday Pounds Off

George Stephanopoulos interviewed Dr. Oz, who offered tips on how to avoid putting on weight during the Holidays. According to Stephanopoulos, over 50% of people gain 2 or more pounds over the Holidays, and 10% of people gain 5 . . . → Read More: Tips to Keep the Holiday Pounds Off


FDA & USDA Issue Holiday Food Safety and Cooking Tips

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have issued some helpful food safety and cooking tips and resources for the Holidays. Resources from the FDA Among the resources provided via the FDA’s Holiday . . . → Read More: FDA & USDA Issue Holiday Food Safety and Cooking Tips


Mayo Clinic & TIME Collaborate on New Book About Alternative Medicine Therapies

The Mayo Clinic and TIME publishing have collaborated on a new book entitled, Alternative Medicine: Your Guide to Stress Relief, Healing, Nutrition, and More, which explores the potential risks and benefits of several “alternative medicine” therapies, as supplements to . . . → Read More: Mayo Clinic & TIME Collaborate on New Book About Alternative Medicine Therapies


Some Helpful Advice on Losing Weight

Dr. Oz explains that losing just ten pounds is a good step to reducing heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. His weight loss action steps include: A high fiber breakfast Snacks smaller than a fist No food within 3 hours . . . → Read More: Some Helpful Advice on Losing Weight


HelpingYouCare® Launches New Wellness Resource on Weight Loss/ Maintaining a Healthy Weight

HelpingYouCare® (.com and .org), a comprehensive resource for family caregivers and their senior loved ones, has launched a new resource page in its Wellness Section on Weight Loss/ Maintaining a Healthy Weight. The new resource page includes hundreds of . . . → Read More: HelpingYouCare® Launches New Wellness Resource on Weight Loss/ Maintaining a Healthy Weight


Enough Exercise + Normal Weight May Add Up To 7.2 Years to Your Life, New NIH Study Finds

A new study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has measured the effect that getting enough exercise can have on life expectancy, and the even greater effect that combining enough exercise with maintaining a normal body . . . → Read More: Enough Exercise + Normal Weight May Add Up To 7.2 Years to Your Life, New NIH Study Finds


How High Blood Pressure Puts Your Brain at Risk

By Deane Alban You already know that high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, kidney failure, and blindness. Now there is one more reason to get your blood pressure levels under control. This condition has been found to . . . → Read More: How High Blood Pressure Puts Your Brain at Risk


America's Oldest Sprinter at 95!

95-year-old Ida Keeling set a world sprinting record, running 60 meters in 29.86 seconds. She is 4-foot-6 inches and 83 pounds. She began running when she was 67 and has been running ever since. She trains by lifting weights, . . . → Read More: America’s Oldest Sprinter at 95!


Placido Domingo - in His 70s and No Plans to Retire

Opera singer and conductor Placido Domingo, now in his 70s, was recently named as the new goodwill ambassador for the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said, in a ceremony at UNESCO’s Paris headquarters, . . . → Read More: Placido Domingo – in His 70s and No Plans to Retire


CDC Launches Sortable Database of Health Stats by State and Region

The CDC has launched Sortable Stats 2.0 – a new online database of health indicators and behavioral risk factors that is sortable by state or region, by demographics, by health condition, and in various other ways. The interactive database, . . . → Read More: CDC Launches Sortable Database of Health Stats by State and Region


81-Year-Old Champion Water Skier

Strong, quick and fearless Frances Woofenden from West Palm Beach Florida is also 81 years old! She never tried water skiing until she was 50 years old. She now skis five days a week and is the number one . . . → Read More: 81-Year-Old Champion Water Skier


Enjoyment is the Key to Sticking with Exercise for a Lifetime, New Book Advises

In his new book, “Stick With Exercise For A Lifetime; How to Enjoy Every Minute of It,” former Occidental College swimming and water polo coach and wellness consultant Robert Hopper, PhD provides a concise guide to developing an exercise . . . → Read More: Enjoyment is the Key to Sticking with Exercise for a Lifetime, New Book Advises


When Are Dental X-Rays Necessary?

Are dental x-rays dangerous? Is once a year too often? Should you make a risk-benefit analysis next time you’re in the dentist’s office? A new study conducted by researchers at Yale University has found an association between dental x-rays . . . → Read More: When Are Dental X-Rays Necessary?


At What Ages Do Baby Boomers Show Increased Interest in Health?

A new study conducted by researchers at Ohio State University has found that Baby Boomers show increasing interest in their health in their early 50′s and around age 65. The peak interest in health issues for Baby Boomers comes . . . → Read More: At What Ages Do Baby Boomers Show Increased Interest in Health?


Happy Thanksgiving to You from HelpingYouCare®

As we gather with family to give thanks for our Blessings this Thanksgiving, let us all remember in gratitude our senior loved ones and their family caregivers, and the love they give and sacrifice and many contributions they make . . . → Read More: Happy Thanksgiving to You from HelpingYouCare®


Caregiving for a Dear Friend with Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS): Part II of a Hope-Inspiring Story

Contributed By Shirley A. Woods EDITOR’S NOTE: In a previous post, our dear friend Jackie Barber told the inspiring story of how she is overcoming the dreaded Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) that eighteen months ago left her completely paralyzed . . . → Read More: Caregiving for a Dear Friend with Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS): Part II of a Hope-Inspiring Story


Everyone May Benefit from Diabetes-Friendly Recipes at Thanksgiving

As part of its national observation of Diabetes Awareness Month this November, the American Diabetes Association has published a new Family Classics Diabetes Cookbook with diabetes-friendly recipes, which it says can benefit everyone this Thanksgiving — whether you have . . . → Read More: Everyone May Benefit from Diabetes-Friendly Recipes at Thanksgiving


Still Driving - Safely - at 100 Years Old

100 Year Old Suzie Dixon of the UK is still driving her own car at age 100. She started driving a 1920′s “Bull Nose Morris” car in the early 1930′s, and she has been driving ever since — over . . . → Read More: Still Driving – Safely – at 100 Years Old


Five of the Best Exercises You Can Do Without Going to the Gym

A new HealthBeat report published November 15 by Harvard Health Publications, part of Harvard Medical School, lists five of the best “workouts” you can do without going to the gym. According to the authors, these exercises will “help keep . . . → Read More: Five of the Best Exercises You Can Do Without Going to the Gym


Have a Healthy Thanksgiving Without Eating Like a Pilgrim

By Deane Alban The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the early settlers with help from the Native Americans as a way to offer thanks for their surviving another brutal year. They constantly lived with the uncertainty that there would . . . → Read More: Have a Healthy Thanksgiving Without Eating Like a Pilgrim


90-Year-Old Triathlete

90-Year-Old Charlie Futrell was believed to be the oldest person to finish a USA Triathlon-sanctioned race. He finished more than 120 triathlons and six IronMan competitions in Hawaii since he started competing in his 60s. Watch »   See . . . → Read More: 90-Year-Old Triathlete


Mann Kaur, 96-Year-Old Woman, a Half Marathon Runner

At 96 years old, Mann Kaur runs another half Marathon! She has won medals at various similar events around the world. Mann Kaur has been called, “someone who truly defies age.” Her secret: “A daily brisk walk, fitness training . . . → Read More: Mann Kaur, 96-Year-Old Woman, a Half Marathon Runner


Be Aware of Health Frauds Online

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns consumers to be careful when buying medicine and other health products online. They advise that some websites sell medicine that may not be safe and could put your health at risk. They . . . → Read More: Be Aware of Health Frauds Online


Smoke-Free Workplace Laws Linked to Lower Incidence of Heart Attacks

A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a journal of the American Medical Association, has found an association between smoke-free workplace laws implemented in Olmstead County, Minnesota and a decline in the incidence of heart attacks . . . → Read More: Smoke-Free Workplace Laws Linked to Lower Incidence of Heart Attacks


Learn How to Spot and Avoid Health Fraud

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) urges consumers to be on guard against fraudulent products claiming to treat, prevent, or cure a wide variety of medical conditions. FDA provides information and resources on its website on Health Fraud, . . . → Read More: Learn How to Spot and Avoid Health Fraud


Exercise Better than Mental or Social Activity to Protect Brain from Shrinkage, Study Finds

A new study published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Association of Neurology, has found that among older adults, regular exercise was more effective in protecting against brain shrinkage than were either mental or social activities. Some . . . → Read More: Exercise Better than Mental or Social Activity to Protect Brain from Shrinkage, Study Finds


Tips on Keeping Food & Water Safe During Emergencies, Circulated by HHS

As Hurricane Sandy was preparing to strike New Jersey and New York on October 29, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) circulated a bulletin on how to prepare for, and keep your food and water safe . . . → Read More: Tips on Keeping Food & Water Safe During Emergencies, Circulated by HHS


Treating Sleep Apnea Found to Reduce High Blood Pressure

A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has found that a group of men with obstructive sleep apnea who also had high blood pressure, benefited from a significant lowering of their blood pressure when their . . . → Read More: Treating Sleep Apnea Found to Reduce High Blood Pressure


Eating Tomatoes May Lower Stroke Risk, Study Suggests

A study by Finnish researchers has found that men with relatively high blood levels of the antioxidant lycopene, commonly found in tomatoes, had a significantly lower risk of suffering a stroke over a twelve-year study period than those with . . . → Read More: Eating Tomatoes May Lower Stroke Risk, Study Suggests


What are the Secrets of Living to Be Healthy & Active at 100 Years Old?

Recent studies of people who are healthy, alert and active at age 100 have found that lifestyle appears to be the secret to their remarkable health and longevity. Among the key factors identified: a healthy diet; daily low-intensity exercise . . . → Read More: What are the Secrets of Living to Be Healthy & Active at 100 Years Old?


Decline in Physical Abilities Linked to Increased Risk for Dementia Among 90 Year Olds, Study Finds

A new study published in the Archives of Neurology, a journal of the American Medical Association, as found that among people age 90 and older, poor ability to walk, stand up, maintain balance, and perform other physical tasks was . . . → Read More: Decline in Physical Abilities Linked to Increased Risk for Dementia Among 90 Year Olds, Study Finds


Eating Legumes May Help Diabetes Patients Control Blood Sugar & Lower Heart Disease Risk, Study Finds

A new study published October 22 in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a journal of the American Medical Association, has found that type 2 diabetes patients who consumed at least one cup of legumes (such as beans, chickpeas or . . . → Read More: Eating Legumes May Help Diabetes Patients Control Blood Sugar & Lower Heart Disease Risk, Study Finds


Doctor Shortage: Which States Have the Fewest & Most Doctors Per 100,000 People?

A new survey conducted by the research firm 2/7 Wall St has identified the 10 U.S. States that have the fewest doctors per 100,000 people in the population, versus the 10 States that have the most doctors per 100,000 . . . → Read More: Doctor Shortage: Which States Have the Fewest & Most Doctors Per 100,000 People?


New Zealand's Talented 91-Year-Old Singer Olivia Turner

91-Year-Old Olivia Turner is a contestant on New Zealand’s TV show “Got Talent.” When asked whether she was affected by the a series of devastating earthquakes which occurred in New Zealand two years ago, Ms Turner simply answered; ‘Yes, . . . → Read More: New Zealand’s Talented 91-Year-Old Singer Olivia Turner


Breast Cancer Awareness Month Twitter Chat - October 23, 2012

The Office of Women’s Health of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that it will co-sponsor a Twitter Chat for Breast Cancer Awareness Month on October 23, 2012. The Chat on Twitter will focus on discussing . . . → Read More: Breast Cancer Awareness Month Twitter Chat – October 23, 2012


Signs That a Headache Could be Dangerous, Featured in Johns Hopkins Health Alert

In a Health Alert published October 17, 2012 by Johns Hopkins, Peter Goadsby, M.D., Ph.D., a neurologist who is director of the Headache Center at the University of California at San Francisco, lists some of the signs and symptoms . . . → Read More: Signs That a Headache Could be Dangerous, Featured in Johns Hopkins Health Alert


Expanded Recalls of Peanuts and Peanut Butter Products - Linked to Multi-State Outbreak of Salmonella Infections

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have announced an expanded investigation of a multi-state outbreak of cases of Salmonella Bredeney infections. So far 35 cases have been reported . . . → Read More: Expanded Recalls of Peanuts and Peanut Butter Products – Linked to Multi-State Outbreak of Salmonella Infections


Recall of Select Packages of Kellogg's Mini-Wheats -- Frosted and Unfrosted

On October 8, 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that Kellogg initiated a voluntary recall of certain packages of  Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats. In a news release posted by the FDA, Kellogg stated that the recall was . . . → Read More: Recall of Select Packages of Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats — Frosted and Unfrosted


The FDA's Role in Reviewing the Safety & Efficacy of Dietary Supplements

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) makes clear that it does not conduct a pre-market review of dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are not approved by the government for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed. However, Vasilios H. . . . → Read More: The FDA’s Role in Reviewing the Safety & Efficacy of Dietary Supplements


What You Need to Know About Dietary Supplements

According to The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “Unlike drugs, supplements are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure diseases.” That means supplements should not make claims, such as reduces ‘arthritic pain’ or ‘treats heart disease.’ Claims . . . → Read More: What You Need to Know About Dietary Supplements


Harvard Health Publishes Report on Strength and Power Training: A guide for adults of all ages

According to a special health report issued by Harvard Health Publications of Harvard Medical School, “Sarcopenia—the gradual decrease in muscle tissue—starts at around age 30, [and] the average 30-year-old can expect to lose about 25% of muscle mass and . . . → Read More: Harvard Health Publishes Report on Strength and Power Training: A guide for adults of all ages


Mental Health Awareness Week & World Mental Health Day Educate About Depression

October 7-13 has been declared “Mental Illness Awareness Week” in the U.S.  This annual health observance to raise mental illness awareness was declared by an Act of Congress in 1990, to occur in the first full week of October . . . → Read More: Mental Health Awareness Week & World Mental Health Day Educate About Depression


Secrets of Superagers: Loving to Live or Longevity Genes?

Why do some people live and maintain their zest for life well past 95? Is it a passion for life, or longevity genes? Watch a short video about the life of Dr. Harold Laufman, who served as professor of . . . → Read More: Secrets of Superagers: Loving to Live or Longevity Genes?


Perceived Stress Increases Risk of Heart Disease, Study Finds; Plus How to Handle Stress

A new analysis of studies involving 118,696 participants, conducted by Donald Edmundson, PhD, a professor at Columbia University Medical Center, and colleagues, has found that self-reported perceived stress was associated with a 27% higher risk of coronary heart disease . . . → Read More: Perceived Stress Increases Risk of Heart Disease, Study Finds; Plus How to Handle Stress


World Heart Day, September 29, Focuses on Prevention of Heart Disease

September 29 has been designated as “World Heart Day,” an annual health observance sponsored by the World Heart Federation. “This year in continuation from our 2011 World Heart Day theme of home heart health One World, One Home, One . . . → Read More: World Heart Day, September 29, Focuses on Prevention of Heart Disease


September 26 is National Women's Health & Fitness Day

September 26 has been designated as “National Women’s Health & Fitness Day,” an annual health observance sponsored and organized by the Health Information Resource Center, dedicated to promoting women’s health and fitness. The Health Information Resource Center (HIRC), a . . . → Read More: September 26 is National Women’s Health & Fitness Day


More than 50% Obesity in 39 States by 2030, New F as in Fat Report Projects

A new report issued September 18, 2012 projects that if current trends continue, in 39 U.S. States more than 50% of adults could be obese by 2030, 13 states could have adult obesity rates above 60 percent, and all . . . → Read More: More than 50% Obesity in 39 States by 2030, New F as in Fat Report Projects


Dental Health Key to Good Physical Health, Experts Say

“Did you know that your oral health can offer clues about your overall health? Or that problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body?” So says the Mayo Clinic. In a paper called “Oral Health: Keeping . . . → Read More: Dental Health Key to Good Physical Health, Experts Say


Is Stress at Work Adding to Your Stress as a Family Caregiver?

Feelings of stress commonly arise out of the challenges of being a family caregiver. And, managing caregiver stress is a huge part of proper caregiver self-care. But, if you are also working outside the home, is stress at work . . . → Read More: Is Stress at Work Adding to Your Stress as a Family Caregiver?


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