As an introduction to this very significant topic of great concern to most caregivers, read “Four Steps to Deal with Difficult Elderly Behavior”, written by the Editor of™. And, see articles, posts, and updates below on:
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The National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, has recently issued a tipsheet for Alzheimer's caregivers on Coping with Agitation and Aggression. As the tipsheet points out, agitation and aggressive behavior ar...

Many of you have recommended this book, Coping With Your Difficult Older Parent: A Guide for Stressed-Out Children, by Grace Lebow, Barbara Kane, and Irwin Lebow. This is the classic guide to dealing with difficult elderly behavior beyond the Alzheimer...
By Angela Lunde, Mayo Clinic health education outreach coordinator Another perspective that can be helpful: i.e. separate the disease from the person and the person from the behaviors. Doing this helps you see that it's the disease, not the pe... Summary of studies and articles finding overuse of psychiatric drugs to quiet verbally disruptive behavior by nursing home patients, which suggests study and implementation of a behavioral approach to managing and decreasing this behavio...
by Dwyer-Moore KJ, Dixon MR, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, USA, J Appl Behav Anal. 2007 Winter;40(4):679-83. 18189099 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE], PMCID: PMC2078575, Study conducted functional analysis for problem beha...
by Philippe Landreville, Annick Bédard, René Verreault, Johanne Desrosiers, Nathalie Champoux, Johanne Monette, and Philippe Voyer, Canada. Review of 41 scientific studies conducted measuring the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions...
by J.C. Monfort, Int Psychogeriatr. 1995;7 Suppl:95-111. Review. PMID: 8580396 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]. This study suggests that hostile behavior in elderly patients is often caused by a reversible mood disorder rather than by a personality ...
from the J.W. Crane Memorial Library, University of Manitoba. Bibliography of selected scholarly articles from the current scientific and medical journal literature, focusing on systematic reviews, best practice models, and innovative approaches fo...
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The Eldercare Locator, a service of the Administration on Aging, part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), has issued a list of 10 Warning Signs Your Older Family Member May Need Help in the home. "Any one of the following be...
A licensed professional counselor and trainer shares three helpful ideas in dealing with difficult people. These ideas may not work in some situations, such as with Alzheimer’s patients. But for those among us, who are near the end of our patience,...

The American Red Cross is sponsoring a series of Classes for Family caregivers, which include eight one-hour modules of instruction on topics intended "to help participants gain an understanding of what is involved in caring for a loved one." The cl...
There is no effective medical cure for Alzheimer’s. Most dementia caregiving is performed by families and nursing homes. 11 Million people care for Alzheimer’s-afflicted relatives at home. Dealing with the difficult behaviors that characteriz...

© By The Editor,™ View/ Print this article as a PDF Document Is your parent or elder acting in ways that do not seem like the person you have known – or perhaps in ways that exaggerate difficult behavioral tendencies he or...
By Jacqueline Marcell (author of ElderRage). Tips and advice on how to deal with an elderly loved one who: wants all your time and attention, makes constant unreasonable demands, is inflexible, critical and negative, complains about rea...
from the book, ElderRage, by Jacqueline Marcell. These include answers to: How Do I Handle My Elderly Loved One Who: Is experiencing increasing levels of memory loss? Wants all my time and attention? Is a danger on the road but refuses to give u...
by Angela Coleman, Five steps you can take to help ease the strain when an elderly relative who is combative comes to live with your family. »View Info
By Marguerite Kelly, Special to The Washington Post, Friday, August 8, 2008. Article in Q&A format, answering a question about a Mom with agoraphobia, who has multiple phobias, refuses to go out of her house, and refuses help or even to permit...
a moving Poem written by an elderly nursing home resident, delivering a message to all caregivers to deal with an elderly person with the empathy and attention that enable you to really see and respect the person as the unique person that he or she...
See Archives of Additional Posts on Dealing with Difficult Elderly Behavior – Generally.
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The National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, has recently issued a tipsheet for Alzheimer's caregivers on Coping with Agitation and Aggression. As the tipsheet points out, agitation and aggressive behavior ar...

New statistics released on Tuesday, March 19, from both the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Alzheimer's Association have found that both the risk of dying from Alzheimer's Disease and the actual number of Alzheimer's death...

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services released an investigation report on May 4, 2011, finding that among elderly Medicare patients in nursing homes, dangerous antipsychotic drugs are being given predom...

We recommend highly this classic book on caregiving for those with Alzheimer’s: The 36-hour Day, by Nancy L. Mace and Peter V. Rabins, completely revised and updated 2008 publication. This is the place to start if your loved one has been diagnose...

This is a useful 16 page pamphlet, provided by the Alzheimer's Association. It discusses seven different behaviors typical of elders with dementia, and provides the caregiver a three step process to help understand the behavior, what may be triggeri...

From The Mayo Clinic. Useful tips for caregivers on how to diffuse anger frequently experienced in those with Alzheimer's and other Dementias.
by Cunningham J, Williams KN, Elizabeth Layton Center, Ottawa, KS, USA, Res Theory Nurs Pract. 2007;21(1):45-56; PMID: 17378464 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] . This case study evaluated behavioral responses of nursing home residents with dementi...
by Jiska Cohen-Mansfield, Ph.D., Focus 2:288-308 (2004), © 2004 American Psychiatric Association. Recognizes that “Inappropriate behaviors are very common in dementia and impose an enormous toll both emotionally and financially.” Discusses ...
by Cohen-Mansfield J, Mintzer JE, Department of Health Care Sciences and of Prevention and Community Health, George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA., Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2005 Jan-Mar;19(1):37-40. This paper discuss...
By Laura H.P. Eggermont, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands, and Erik J.A. Scherder, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands, Dementia, Vol. 5, No. 3, 411-428 (2006), DOI: 10.1177/1471301206067115. A review of 27 scientific studies conducted...
by Kevin F. Gray, MD, Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Scientific study recognizing that “problematic behavioral symptoms such as agitation, apathy, depression, anxiety, delusions, irritab...
by Valerie T. Cotter, MSN, CRNP, FAANP, The American Journal of Managed Care, Vol. 13, No. 8. Good scientific discussion of characteristics and consequences of dementia, and how to handle difficult dementia behavior by non-pharmacologic interventi...
by Peggy A. Szwabo, Ph.D., Szwabo & Associates Saint Louis, MO. PowerPoint presentation, including lists of typical dementia behaviors, and suggested verbal interventions, motor interventions, interventions for sexually inappropriate behavior, ...
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The Alzheimer's Association has declared September "World Alzheimer's Month," a time to place focus on Alzheimer's and the need for public education, awareness and action to combat the "Alzheimer's Epidemic" that threatens the world as populations age....

The American Red Cross is sponsoring a series of Classes for Family caregivers, which include eight one-hour modules of instruction on topics intended "to help participants gain an understanding of what is involved in caring for a loved one." The cl...

"Alzheimer's patients are often vulnerable and fragile, but in rare cases, they can become the aggressor. About 5% to 10% of Alzheimer's patients exhibit violent behavior. It's unclear why the outbursts occur in certain patients," according to a recent...

© By The Editor,™ View/ Print this article as a PDF Document Is your parent or elder acting in ways that do not seem like the person you have known – or perhaps in ways that exaggerate difficult behavioral tendencies he or...
by Family Caregiver Alliance. Very helpful tips on how to communicate with a person with Alzheimer’s or another form of Dementia, as well as how to deal effectively with several of the more common challenging behaviors typical of those with Alzhe...
by Elizabeth Kelson, Study for M.A. Thesis, Department of Gerontology, Simon Fraser University, Fall, 2006. Makes the case for using photographs and photo collages as a biographical tool to assist nursing home staff in familiarizing themselves wit...
by Richard Hwang, Virtual Mentor. June 2008, Volume 10, Number 6: 379-382. This article advocates the use of non-pharmacological treatments for patients with dementia, but it also recognizes the need for pharmacological interventions in certain si...
Involving your elderly loved in appropriate activities to occupy his or her mind is often the best way of distracting him or her from the difficult elderly behaviors that are associated with Alzheimer’s. Family and professional caregivers are...
Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability. Good overall summary of techniques to deal with difficult dementia behaviors, including communication problems, pacing and wandering, incontinence, “Sundowning,” sleeping disorders, agitation, repetitiv...
for training of caregiving staff in caring for elderly dementia patients. Particular attention given to interaction with individuals who have dementia. Includes good explanations of factors causing disruptive dementia behaviors, and techniques fo...
by Elderly Health Service, Department of Health, Government of Hong Kong. Includes a helpful chart showing the common types of challenging behaviors exhibited by dementia patients (including wandering and/or pacing, incontinence, Repetitive behavio...
See Archives of Archives of Additional Posts on Dealing with Dementia/ Alzheimer’s Behaviors.
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