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Publisher, Editors & Contributing Staff

HelpingYouCare® is Dedicated to: — Margaret Eidem Barnhart

Publisher/ Owner — Care-Help LLC, Constance R. Barnhart, Manager
Founder & Editor — Constance R. (Connie) Barnhart
Senior Editor ——— David Koontz
Photographer ——— David Koontz
Health Editor ——— Ruth Mansmith
Wellness Columnist – Ruth Mansmith
Publishing Advisors – Krista Martinelli & Joe Martinelli
Forum Moderator — Connie Barnhart
Technical Advisor — Dennis Hoppe
Logo & Website Assistance–Andrea Von Eitzen
Page Editor/ Intern – Nihanth Peta

Contributing Authors — Authors & Professionals who Contribute Substantive, Non-Promotional Articles that we publish may be listed & recognized on our Contributing Authors Page.

This Site is Dedicated in Honor & Loving Memory of:

Margaret R. Eidem Barnhart

Founder Connie Barnhart’s Mother, Margaret Eidem Barnhart, who was very supportive and encouraging of this community service project to help family caregivers, and expressed much love and gratitude for the care we were able to provide to her through the challenges of the last several years.

Sadly, she passed away in September, 2009, but, happily, she reached the age of nearly 94. We are grateful for the close and loving relationship we had with her, and that she lived a long and giving life.

Margaret exemplified a dedication to humanitarian service to those in need, and helped many people throughout her working life. She had been a high school teacher, University Guidance Counselor to thousands of returning World War II veterans, and inspiring mentor to her students, family and friends. She had herself been a loving caregiver to her Mother and then her Uncle in our home for many years. She encouraged the development of this community service project, and contributed many good suggestions.

With love and appreciation, we dedicate this website to her, and we hope, as did she, that this site can help other families in caring for your senior loved ones.

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Founder Connie Barnhart Koontz (right) with her Husband David Koontz and her Mother
Margaret Eidem Barnhart,
to whom this Website is dedicated

Founder/ Editor & Senior Editor:

Connie Barnhart Koontz, Founder, Manager & Editor, and her Husband David Koontz, Senior Editor, are shown in the picture with Connie’s Mother Margaret Eidem Barnhart.

HelpingYouCare® is a community service project to help family caregivers, which grew out of Connie’s own learning experiences in caring for her beloved Mother Margaret, and which was encouraged greatly by her Mother and by the loving support of Connie’s Husband Dave, who also was a caregiver for his beloved Mother Alice for several years.

Connie’s dedication to helping family caregivers and her understanding of their needs arose from many years of caring for her Mother at home, at a continuing care retirement community (CCRC), then Assisted Living, contracting with private duty nursing assistants (especially, our dear Angela Ortega, who became part of our family), through several hospitalizations, illnesses, a six-hour surgery at age 91, complications from an antibiotic-resistant post-surgery infection contracted in a skilled nursing convalescent facility, coordinating medication management and care when multiple specialists were not able to speak to each other, coping with dementia issues, endless research for health care and caregiver information and resources, Medicare and insurance issues, planning for incapacity and long-term care planning, and all the many other care-management duties that family caregivers commonly face. That endless sentence may have conveyed some of the continual, relentless pressures that most family caregivers face. Like most family caregivers, Connie did all of this with deep love and gratitude for her wonderful, kind and generous Mother, while also trying to work full time. In Connie’s case, she is an attorney and was a partner at a large law firm during most of her caregiving years – which was a challenge. (She now practices in her own law firm, Barnhart Law PLC). These experiences taught us that family caregiving can be a full time job in its own right, and family caregivers need help, information, education, support, and resources.

The increasing challenges and burdens facing family caregivers are widely recognized, as is the growing strain on our health & long-term care systems as members of the Baby Boom Generation approach their senior years. These realizations, our own experiences, and a passion to help gave rise to HelpingYouCare®. We are grateful to be working with the very knowledgeable and caring advisors and contributing staff recognized here, in bringing this project to fruition.

Contact Editor: Editor@HelpingYouCare.com

Contact Senior Editor: Admin@HelpingYouCare.com

Connie also serves as Moderator of our CaregiversLikeUs™ online Support Groups and Forum. For questions about CaregiversLikeUs™, e-mail: Moderator@CaregiversLikeUs.com

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Ruth Mansmith, MS, RN, CRRN, RAC-C, Health Editor & Featured Wellness Columnist

Health Editor & Featured Wellness Columnist:

Ruth Mansmith, MS, RN, CRRN, RAC-C, Health Editor and Featured Wellness Columnist of HelpingYouCare®, is an author, national speaker, and wellness coach.

As the former CEO and National Clinical Director of a national chain of health-care facilities, Ruth created and was the author of the international award winning Fit For Life Wellness Program, which she successfully brought to over 5,000 participants each year. Her Wellness Program received the International Industry Innovator Award of the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA), and was made available to corporate wellness directors nationwide through websites of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

As a national speaker and wellness coach, Ruth offers wellness strategies for people of all ages. She has trained thousands of participants across the country on strategies to avoid disease and enjoy the fullness of life. Currently, she is completing her new book, the “Wellness Handbook.”

The “Wellness Handbook” will present for the first time her new Wellness Program, designed specifically for individuals and family caregivers. It will expand beyond the successful concepts she developed for institutional providers of healthcare in her award winning corporate wellness program, and present a new Wellness Program, customized for you, the individual consumer of healthcare and wellness. Read more about Ruth’s coming “Wellness Handbook” on her Wellness Column page or at her website: www.WellnessHandbook.com.

Ruth is also offering private wellness consultation, and can be reached at (561) 352-4456 or visit www.wellnesshandbook.com.

Contact Ruth Mansmith: Info@HelpingYouCare.com

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Krista & Joe Martinelli, Publishing Advisors

Publishing Advisors:

Krista and Joe Martinelli, Pubishing Advisors.

Krista Martinelli is the Founder, Publisher and Editor of AroundWellington.com and Around Wellington® Magazine. Joe Martinelli, an Accountant, is the General Manager of Around Wellington® as well as its Website Design Consultant.

Around Wellington® features family and community news, including a health and wellness feature. It focuses particularly on the community of Wellington, Florida and surrounding areas. Around Wellington® is located at www.AroundWellington.com.

Based on their own experience in operating a successful website publication with a community service orientation, Krista and Joe are very helpful in advising HelpingYouCare®.

Krista, a writer and playwright whose work has been published in the Chicken Soup series of books and in other books and publications, is also the Founder of the Boca Playwrights Group. She has had broad previous experience as a college teacher, writer, contributing editor, columnist and Theater Reviewer for the Portland Oregonian, and other publications.

Contact Krista or Joe Martinelli: AroundWellington@earthlink.net

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Dennis Hoppe,
Technical Advisor

Technical Advisor:

Dennis Hoppe, Technical Advisor.

Dennis is a freelance web developer who lives in Berlin, Germany. He is also a student of computer science at Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin. In addition, he works in the private sector for the agency Media Concept Group in Zwickau, Germany (MediaConceptGroup.com), as an independent consultant to midsized companies, designing websites and database driven content management solutions.

An expert in WordPress, Dennis is the author of many award-winning computer software Plugins for WordPress. The HelpingYouCare® site operates with nine of Dennis’ plugins, including Post Page Associator, Sub-Page Navigator and others. Among Dennis’ other award-winning Plugins for WordPress are Audio Link Player, Author Information Widget, Fancy Gallery, and Special Post Properties. He has also created other popular Themes and Plugins for WordPress. All of Dennis’ popular and award-winning WordPress Themes and Plugins are available for download from his Official Profile Page at WordPress.org or at his own website: DennisHoppe.de

Dennis has been very helpful in advising and consulting long-distance with Connie on technical and design issues, including the creation of customized solutions, in the construction and design of HelpingYouCare® and our companion Support Community & Forum site CaregiversLikeUs™.

Contact Dennis Hoppe: Mail@DennisHoppe.de

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Andrea Von Eitzen,
Logo Design & Website Assistance

Logo Design & Preliminary Website Assistance:

Andrea Von Eitzen, Logo Design & Website Assistance

Andrea Von Eitzen is a Website Designer and Graphic Design Consultant. Through her company, Von Eitzen LLC, she offers website development, digital media, and graphic design print services. She has designed and developed hundreds of successful websites in php code and other formats for businesses, large and small, as well as cities, individuals, professional service firms, and community service and non-profit organizations. Some samples of her work can be found on her website at: www.VonEitzen.com. She can be reached for website development, digital media, and graphic design services and consulting through her website at www.VonEitzen.com.

A native of Germany, Andrea was educated at University in Germany. She now lives in Florida. Andrea has had experiences in caregiving for her own parents and family, both in Germany and in the United States, and brings an international perspective to the issues of caregiving, which she shares with Connie.

Andrea was instrumental in assisting and encouraging Connie in the early stages of creating this website. She generously gave many hours of her time to furthering this community service project, by implementing a first structure for the site, incorporating the initial massive “load” of research and information on all aspects of caregiving that Connie had gathered, graphically designing the logo presentation for the site, and patiently teaching and encouraging Connie to learn WordPress, to enable the creation of this site.

Contact Andrea Von Eitzen: Andrea@Voneitzen.com

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Nihanth Peta, Page Editor/ Intern

Page Editor/ Intern:

Nihanth Peta is a Dean’s List Honors Student and Junior at Florida State University, pursuing Pre-Medical studies. With the goal of attending medical school and becoming a future doctor, he is double majoring in Biological Sciences and Psychology and minoring in Physics and Chemistry.

In addition, Nihanth has substantial knowledge and experience in computer technology, software, and website and graphic design. Since 2007, he has provided graphic design, data entry, and other website and computer-related services to clients, through his own firm, Technorino Designs (www.technorino.com). He has served as Editing Intern and Assistant Editor at Around Wellington Magazine, where he handled editing, data entry, and graphic design, using WordPress and Adobe Photoshop. Around Wellington is an online publication operated by our Publishing Advisors, Krista and Joe Martinelli, featuring family and community news around Wellington, Florida.

At HelpingYouCare®, Nihanth assists with data entry and page editing. His interest in HelpingYouCare® stems both from his Pre-Medical studies and interest in medicine and caregiving, and from his technical interests and skills in WordPress, computers, and website and graphic design.

Contact Nihanth Peta, Page Editor: Info@HelpingYouCare.com

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