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Contributing Authors

Following are some of the authors and professionals (listed alphabetically) who have contributed articles to HelpingYouCare®:

»Cheryl AckerPhysical Fitness Specialist and Personal Trainer
»Deane AlbanAuthor and co-founder of BeBrainFit.com
»Jackie BarberEd.D., Retired High School Principal & College Professor of Education
»Constance R. BarnhartAttorney, Barnhart Law PLC & Founder, HelpingYouCare®
»David KoontzSenior Editor, HelpingYouCare®
»Ruth MansmithMS, RN, CRRN, RAC-C, Author, forthcoming Wellness Handbook
»Krista MartinelliAuthor, Journalist, Founder & Editor, AroundWellington.com
»Shirley A. WoodsEd.D., Retired High School Teacher and Administrator
»Dr. Laura ZiprisPsy. D., LMHC, Practicing Psychologist

Note: Not all of our authors are listed here. Read how you can contribute substantive, non-promotional articles and qualify to be listed on this page.

Cheryl Alker Cheryl Acker, Physical Fitness Specialist and Personal Trainer

Cheryl Alker is a physical fitness specialist and personal trainer. She specializes in flexibility training, facial exercises and postural alignment.

Her 28 year career started as a group fitness and personal trainer, and she has lectured and directed fitness training programs in both Europe and the USA and was an advisor for a Governmental health promotion program.

She has also contributed articles on physical fitness to AroundWellington®.

Articles Contributed to HelpingYouCare® :

ABS Workout

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Deane AlbanDeane Alban, Author and co-founder of BeBrainFit.com

Deane Alban is co-founder of BeBrainFit.com where she teaches how to keep your mind sharp and your brain fit for the rest of your life. Deane holds a BA in biology and has taught and written about natural health topics for over 20 years.

She writes a weekly newsletter to help if you suffer with poor memory, brain fog, or worry about “losing it” as you age that you can sign up for free at her website. You’ll also receive a copy of the original report – “Jumpstart Your Brain – Guide to a Better Memory.”

Articles Contributed to HelpingYouCare® :

Have a Healthy Thanksgiving Without Eating Like a Pilgrim

How High Blood Pressure Puts Your Brain at Risk

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Jackie Barber, Ed.D.Jackie Barber, Ed.D., Retired High School Principal and College Professor of Education

Jackie Barber holds an Ed.D. in Education. After a successful career as a high school teacher and principal of Fort Lauderdale High School in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, she served as an adjunct Professor of Education at Florida Atlantic University for over ten years.

In that position, Dr. Barber’s favorite class was a methods class in which she taught aspiring teachers how to teach.

She has also served in leadership positions in several civic and community organizations, including the American Red Cross. She was a member of the National Red Cross Disaster Team that spent several months in New York City after 9/11. She also worked with the team after Hurricane Katrina.

She has a passion for travel and has visited over 100 countries.

Jackie wrote and contributed to HelpingYouCare® her inspiring story of how she overcame and survived the dreaded auto-immune disorder, Guillain Barre Syndrome, which had suddenly left her body paralyzed from neck to toe. Jackie shares how she has coped with this tragedy and managed, through determination and months of grueling physical therapy, gradually to regain use of her limbs and reach recovery.

Articles Contributed to HelpingYouCare®:

My Year with Guillain Barre Syndrome (aka GBS)

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Constance R. Barnhart, Attorney At Law & Managing Member of Barnhart Law PLC and Founder of HelpingYouCare®

Constance R. (Connie) Barnhart, Founder of HelpingYouCare®, is an Attorney and Managing Member of Barnhart Law PLC, a law firm concentrating in U.S. and international business & contracts law and related areas.

After 30 years of law practice at large law firms, including most recently 12½ years as a Partner at Holland & Knight LLP, she founded Barnhart Law PLC in 2009. Fluent in English, Spanish, and Norwegian, and conversant in Swedish and Danish, she represents Scandinavian, UK, European, and U.S. clients in business contracts and corporate, commercial, and financial matters.

Connie founded HelpingYouCare® as a community service to help family caregivers and their senior loved ones. This site grew out of the needs she saw and lessons she learned over many years as the family caregiver for her beloved Mother, Margaret Eidem Barnhart, in whose memory this site is dedicated. Connie serves as Editor of the site and Managing Member of Care-Help LLC, publisher of HelpingYouCare®.

Connie is married to David Koontz, who serves as Senior Editor of HelpingYouCare®.

Articles Contributed to HelpingYouCare® :

Nearly 1,000 articles under the byline of Editor, plus articles on legal topics. Here are just a few of the ones on legal topics

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David Koontz David Koontz, Senior Editor of HelpingYouCare®

David Koontz is the Senior Editor of HelpingYouCare®.

He has served in executive positions in the publishing, advertising, and cellular telephone sectors over a period of more than 30 years.

As Senior Editor of HelpingYouCare® he created and is responsible for our unique and featured collection of Stories of Inspiring Seniors.

In addition to his other duties as Senior Editor, Mr. Koontz has contributed hundreds of articles and video postings to HelpingYouCare®.

Mr. Koontz is married to Constance R. (Connie) Barnhart, who founded and serves as Editor of HelpingYouCare®.

Articles Contributed to HelpingYouCare® :

Nearly 500 articles and posts under the byline of Senior Editor, including nearly all of those in our unique and featured section on Stories of Inspiring Seniors. Here are just a few of the ones on inspiring Seniors:

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Ruth Mansmith Ruth Mansmith, MS, RN, CRRN, RAC-C, Author, forthcoming Wellness Handbook™

Ruth Mansmith, a former CEO for a national chain of health-care facilities and author of the international award winning Fit For Life Wellness Program, is a corporate trainer and wellness coach who offers wellness strategies for people of all ages. She has trained thousands of participants across the country on strategies to avoid disease and enjoy the fullness of life.

As the National Clinical Director of a chain of healthcare facilities, she created the Award Winning Fit for Life Wellness Program, which she successfully brought to 5,000 participants each year. Her Fit for Life Wellness Program received the International Industry Innovator Award of the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA), and was made available to corporate wellness directors nationwide through websites of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

Currently, she is completing her latest book, the Wellness Handbook and offering private wellness consultation. Ruth can be reached via her website, www.wellnesshandbook.com.

Articles Contributed to HelpingYouCare®:

The Caregiver’s Wellness Resolutions

The Caregiver Conquers Holiday Stress

Caregivers Unite for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Krista Martinelli Krista Martinelli, Author, Journalist; Founder & Editor, AroundWellington.com

Krista Koontz Martinelli is the Founder and Editor of AroundWellington® Magazine and AroundWellington.com. Around Wellington® features family and community news, including a health and wellness feature. It focuses particularly on the community of Wellington, Florida and surrounding areas.

Krista is a distinguished writer, playwright and journalist. Her work has been published in the Chicken Soup series of books and in other books and publications. She is the Founder of the Boca Playwrights Group, and previous author and editor of the Office Depot newsletter and author and creator of text and graphics for the Office Depot campaign to salute Successful Women from all walks of life.

She has had broad experience as a college teacher, writer, and journalist. She has served as contributing editor, columnist and Theater Reviewer for the Portland Oregonian, and other publications.

Krista and her husband Joe Martinelli, an accountant, serve as Publishing Advisors to HelpingYouCare®. They live, with their children, Stella and Paul, in Wellington, Florida.

For more work by Krista Martinelli, see AroundWellington.com.

Articles Contributed to HelpingYouCare®:

Edna Hibel: Capturing the Essence of Mother & Child Through Art

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Shirley A. Woods, Ed.D.Shirley A Woods, Ed.D., Retired High School Teacher and Administrator

Shirley Woods holds an Ed.D in Education. She enjoyed a successful career as a teacher and assistant principal at Northeast High School in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. She retired after 30 years of service in the Broward County School system.

Her retirement days have been spent attending workshops, traveling, and doing some writing. She and her long-time friend Jackie Barber did a great deal of traveling over the world in the 100 countries mentioned in Dr. Barber’s biography above.

The traveling stopped abruptly in May of 2011 when her friend Jackie came down with a serious case of Guillain Barre Syndrome.

Shirley has written and contributed to HelpingYouCare® her story of serving as a caregiver to her friend Jackie over more than eighteen months. She shares what she learned from this experience, which may help others who are helping to care for a friend or family member suffering from Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) or similar life-threatening challenges..

Articles Contributed to HelpingYouCare®:

Tea and Transportation

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Dr. Laura Zipris, Psy. D., LMHCDr. Laura Zipris, Psy. D., LMHC, Practicing Psychologist

Laura Zipris, Psy. D., LMHC, holds a doctorate in Psychology and is licensed to practice psychotherapy in New York and Florida.

Dr. Zipris is certified in Imago Relationship Therapy, a transformational approach that has been used successfully with couples around the world to help them to strengthen their partnerships, deepen their connection and reignite their passion for one another.

Dr. Zipris sees individuals of all ages and sexual orientations, couples, families, and groups in her office located in Delray Beach, Florida.

She writes a monthly column, Ask Dr. Z, which appears on AroundWellington.com, in which she answers reader’s questions

For more information about Dr. Laura Zipris, please visit her website at www.drlaurazipris.com or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Laura directly at (561) 558-7815.

Questions for Dr. Laura Zipris’ column, Ask Dr. Z, should be sent to Dr. “Z” at Drlaurazip@gmail.com.

Articles Contributed to HelpingYouCare®:

Addressing Caregiver Burnout

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