Combatting Age With Exercise

Dr. Charles Eugster - 93 93-Year-old Dr. Charles Eugster took up bodybuilding at age 87. He is a 3-times world champion in master’s fitness events.

From his blog on Facebook:

“For young adults, strength and increase in muscle mass may not be a priority but in later life both are essential for successful aging and health in old age. This fact seems to have been ignored by the health industry.”

“Age is associated with dignity, wisdom and experience. The young often have silly ideas. Even some 70 year-olds consider themselves old when in fact among the aged they are teenagers.”

“…excellent health in old age need not be a rarity. Unfortunately there [are] too few voices to support this contention.”

“It must be realized that my trainer, Ms Gattiker, and I have developed a training and diet regime that has enabled me to change my body composition within the space of less than 3 years.

I have made small modifications to my training and diet and the results have been noteworthy. The sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) has been reversed. As you know, the body composition difference between a healthy 20 year-old and a healthy 80 year-old of the same weight is mainly that the 80 year-old has lost 50% of his muscle mass which has been replaced by fat.

By removing fat and rebuilding muscle we can now give the 80 year-old almost the same body composition as he had in his youth. We cannot reverse the aging process but aging could soon be something completely different to that [which] is observed to-day. We are not talking about anti-aging but new aging.”

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