Johns Hopkins has released the updated 2012 Edition of the Johns Hopkins Memory White Paper. According to a recent Johns Hopkins Health Alert, the Johns Hopkins Memory White Paper compiles in simple language for consumers some of the best and latest scientific research on topics such as how to “Turn back the clock on your aging mind.”
The Johns Hopkins Memory White Paper is updated annually based on research from Johns Hopkins Hospital, which has been ranked #1 of America’s best hospitals for 20 consecutive years by U.S. News & World Report. The 2012 edition of the Memory White Paper was prepared and edited by chief author Peter V. Rabins, M.D., M.P.H., Director of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
According to the recent Johns Hopkins Health Alert, memory, mental acuity and cognitive powers gradually diminish for all people from about age 40 and on. According to the Health Alert, it is inevitable that “For each passing decade – into our 50s – 60s – 70s – our ability to recall dates, names, facts and figures fades – slowly at first, then perhaps more rapidly.”
“Not a pleasant picture. But there’s hope – and good news – regarding memory and aging,” according to Johns Hopkins. “Each year,” they say, “a team of expert medical editors [at Johns Hopkins] spends countless hours searching through all of the major papers and research on memory, mental acuity in the aging, Alzheimer’s, dementia and related medical topics.” This research is compiled for consumers in the annual Johns Hopkins Memory White Paper.
The annual Memory White Paper includes research results in plain English that give hope and helpful tips “for any man or woman looking to maintain optimal cognitive mental health throughout his or her lifetime.” According to the Johns Hopkins Health Alert, the research includes studies focusing on preventive measures one can take to help address age-old aspirations, such as how to:
- “Turn back the clock on your aging mind.
- Recall names, dates, facts and figures – with more ease.
- Retain what you read in newspapers, magazines and books.
- Help keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay.”
Here are some of the topics which the recent Johns Hopkins Health Alert lists as featured in the 2012 Johns Hopkins Memory White Paper:
- “How memories are acquired, retained and retrieved — and conditions that can weaken this process.
- Does speaking a second language prevent dementia? Recent research provides intriguing clues.
- Findings on the link between heart disease and cognitive problems.
- Lifestyle factors that may ward off cognitive decline.
- Memory complaints: Should your loved one see a doctor?
- How to tell the difference between normal forgetfulness, mild congnitive impairment and dementia.
- Simple, low-tech screening tests for measuring cognitive impairment.
- What causes Alzheimer’s disease? A fascinating new theory out of Washington University… and what it could mean for you.
- How the discovery of four genes for Alzheimer’s are providing new aproaches to the study of genetics and dementia.
- Does Namenda really work for Alzheimer’s? Johns Hopkins experts weigh in on this difficult subject.
- Is your loved one overmedicated? How to avoid overuse of antipsychotic drugs.
- How to tell when it’s time for full-time care for a loved one with dementia.”
And, for those grappling with Alzheimer’s Disease or caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, the 2012 Memory White Paper also includes updated information on:
- “An up-to-date listing of medications for treating Alzheimer’s.
- The lowdown on exercise and memory loss.
- Research on metabolic syndrome and cognitive decline.
- What role does being overweight during midlife play in the development of dementia? What the research shows.
- Early-onset Alzheimer’s is often misdiagnosed. Why it happens and what you can do.
- New findings on beta-amyloid.
- The latest developments in understanding the underlying mechanisims of Alzheimer’s.”
The 2012 Johns Hopkins Memory White Paper is available for purchase online from Johns Hopkins.
According to the recent Johns Hopkins Health Alert, those who purchase a copy of the 2012 Johns Hopkins Memory White Paper, also will receive a free copy of:
Memory Special Report: Secrets of a Fade-Proof Memory, which provides hints and tips on avoiding age-related memory loss. Here are some of the topics covered in the Memory Special Report:
- “Is It Your Memory… or Your Medications? Learn more about the dozens of common over-the-counter and prescription drugs that may cause memory loss. Check what you’re taking against our list and discover three ways to reverse the problem.
- Jog Your Memory: New research points to a promising link between physical activity and a lower risk of dementia. Find out what kind of exercise does the most to prevent cognitive decline in people over 55.
- A Drink to Remember: Why does moderate alcohol consumption seem to protect against Alzheimer’s disease, while large amounts make memory worse? The latest research can help keep your brain sharp as you age.
- What to Expect from Alzheimer’s Medications: Patients and caregivers often place high expectations on the drugs that are approved for treating Alzheimer’s. What’s realistic?
- Handing Over the Car Keys: When is it time for a person with dementia to stop driving? The experts help you determine when and how to handle this sensitive issue.”
More Information
See the HelpingYouCare™ resource pages on Wellness/ Healthy Living for Seniors & Caregivers, including:
- Activities for Mental & Cognitive Acuity: Intellectual Wellness;
- Diet & Nutrition: Physical Wellness;
- Exercise: Physical Wellness;
- Sleep, Hygiene, Quit Smoking & Other Healthy Practices: Physical Wellness;
- Social Interaction & A Sense of Connection With Others: Social Wellness;
- Other Areas of Wellness: Emotional, Ethical/ Spiritual & Vocational Wellness; and
- Examples of Healthy Aging: Stories of Inspiring Seniors.
For more information on Alzheimer’s and dementia, see the HelpingYouCare™ resource pages on Alzheimer’s/ Dementia, including:
- Latest News on Alzheimer’s/ Dementia;
- What is it; Causes;
- Symptoms & Diagnosis;
- Prevention;
- Treatment (there currently is no cure); and
- Caregiving
And, see the HelpingYouCare™ resource pages on How to Deal with Difficult Elderly Behavior, including Classic Sources and more sources (continually updated) on:
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