Updated Information on Prescription Drugs Provided by US Govt Websites

Prescription Drug InformationThe U.S. Government’s official web portal, USA.gov, indicates that as of July 20, 2011, updated information has been added to several government websites providing information and resources on prescription medications, drug interactions, and coverage of prescription drug costs.

Many are unaware of the wealth of information on prescription medications provided by several different government sites and other sites listed on government websites.

Here is a list of some of the sites providing updated prescription drug information:

  1. The Drug Information Portal, provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Here you can search for any medication, by name or by category, and find links to comprehensive information, including:

    • A Summary of consumer health information (MedlinePlusTopics);
    • A Summary of ingredients and label information (from government databases);
    • The Manufacturers drug label (DailyMed);
    • Information on Clinical trials (from ClinicalTrials.gov);
    • References from scientific journals (from Medline/PubMed);
    • References from toxicological journals (TOXLINE);
    • Biological activities and chemical structures (PubChem);
    • Toxicological and chemical resources (ChemIDplus);
    • Links to Additional Resources from other applicable government agencies, such as the US Food & Drug Administration (Drugs@FDA); and
    • A USA.gov search engine for other government and web resources.
  2. DrugDigest – This is an evidence-based, consumer health and drug information site provided by Express Scripts Inc., and linked from USA.gov. It is dedicated to empowering consumers to make informed choices about drugs and treatment options, and contains information including:

    • A Drug Library, including alphabetical information on drugs & vitamins and herbs & supplements, along with pill images, so you can see how a drug prescribed to you should look, and information on how to use different medications;
    • A tool to check drug interactions;
    • A “Compare Drug” tool, which allows you to compare how drugs within the same drug class measure up to one another, and check side effects of common drugs and see how similar drugs compare;
    • Information about many common health conditions and their treatments;
    • Other Interactive Tools, including one to find generic equivalents for brand name drugs, a form enabling you to compose and print your own wallet-sized Medication Card, listing your medications (which can be helpful in emergency situations or when you visit different doctors), and a Medication Checklist, listing 13 facts you should know about each of your medications.
  3. Drug Interactions: What You Should Know – a website of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, along with a pamphlet provided by the Council on Family Health in cooperation with the National Consumers League and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  4. Generic Drugs: Questions and Answers – a web portal of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), along with links to additional consumer drug information provided by the FDA.
  5. Drugs, Supplements, and Herbal Information – from MedlinePlus, the website of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Provides detailed information on drugs, listed alphabetically by generic or brand name, as well as information on herbs and supplements, and links to related information.
  6. Help with Medical and Drug Costs – the portal of Medicare.gov containing detailed information on Medicare and Medicaid prescription drug coverage.
  7. Getting Extra Help With Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs – a website of the Social Security Administration, along with an electronic Fact Sheet on Resource and Income Limits, provided by the Social Security Administration.
  8. Dietary Supplements Labels Database – site of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Provides information about label ingredients in more than 6,000 selected brands of dietary supplements. It enables users to compare label ingredients in different brands. Information is also provided on the “structure/function” claims made by manufacturers.
  9. Pill Identifier – a web portal operated by Drugs.com and linked from USA.gov. It provides consumers a tool, to help you match the size, shape, color of pills, to information in a database, to help lead you to identify the likely medication and find the detailed description in the Drugs.com drugs database. Registration and sign in is required to use this tool.
  10. Selected Prescription Drugs With Potential for Abuse – a PDF document provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (DrugAbuse.gov), an agency of the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

More Information

See USA.gov – Prescription Drugs Portal.

See also, HelpingYouCare™‘s resource pages on:

Medical Conditions Commonly Faced by Seniors;

Other Medical Resources;

Tips & Skills for Managing Your Loved One’s Care;

Tips & Skills for Other Areas of Caregiving;

General Tips & Skills for Caregiving;

Practical Tips, Skills, Checklists & Tools for Caregiving;

Financial Matters – Paying for Care; and

The Expanding Role of Family Caregivers – including latest news, and information on the role of Caregiver as Care Manager


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