Editors Seek Caregivers' Stories for New Chicken Soup for Caregivers Book

The publisher of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books announced that its Editors are seeking submissions of original family caregiver stories for possible inclusion in a new book to be produced, under the title: Chicken Soup for the Soul: Family Caregivers; 101 Stories of Love, Sacrifice, and Bonding.

HelpingYouCare™ has received the announcement quoted below, issued by the publisher of the Chicken Soup For the Soul series, inviting submissions of family caregiver stories. If you would like to submit your own story as a family caregiver, for possible publication in their coming book, you can read how to do so, below. The deadline for story submission is July 30, 2011.


Chicken Soup for the Soul: Family Caregivers
101 Stories of Love, Sacrifice, and Bonding

From the Editors at Chicken Soup For The Soul Publishing LLC:

“We are excited to announce that we are working with Joan Lunden on this book, which will be published in March 2012. Joan is very passionate about this topic as she is the family member in charge of her mother’s care.

Caring for a family member in need on an on-going basis is a very difficult task, whether the care is in your home, the patient’s home, or an outside facility. It requires the caregiver to be patient, kind, compassionate and giving. And having a little humor doesn’t hurt! Are you caring for a member of your family due to a chronic illness or long-term or permanent physical or mental disabilities? Did you move in with a family member to care for him or her due to old age or Alzheimer’s? Are you part of the “sandwich” generation – caring for a parent and a child at the same time? Or are you the person receiving care from a family member? Your stories are important too.

We want to hear from you if you are caring for a member of your family or if you are a person receiving care from a family member. (Please know that we are in awe of professional caregivers, but for this book, we only want stories from family members caring for family members.) The true stories in this book will show how lives change when caregiving becomes your responsibility. They will inspire and support family members who are making sacrifices to make sure their loved ones are well cared for, whether in their own homes or elsewhere.

If your story is chosen, you will be a published author and your bio will be printed in the book if you so choose. You will also receive a check for $200 and 10 free copies of your book, worth more than $100. You will retain the copyright for your story and you will retain the right to resell it.

Please remember, we do not like “as told to” stories. Please write in the first person about yourself or someone close to you. Do not ghost write a story for someone else. If a story was previously published, we will probably not use it unless it ran in a small circulation venue. Let us know where the story was previously published in the “Comments” section of the submission form.

SUBMISSIONS GO TO http://chickensoup.com
Select the Submit Your Story link on the left tool bar and follow the directions.

The deadline date for story submissions is July 30, 2011.

For any further questions or correspondence, contact webmaster@chickensoupforthesoul.com or visit our website at http://www.chickensoup.com.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC
P.O. Box 700
Cos Cob, CT 06807-0700″

If you submit your story for possible publication in the new Chicken Soup for Caregivers book, please let us know at HelpingYouCare™. Please also feel free to submit your stories to HelpingYouCare™ by e-mailing them to: Editor@HelpingYouCare.com.

We may also like to publish your stories — after the new Chicken Soup book is published (to the extent permitted, if your stories are included in the book), or possibly before then (if you receive notice that your story will not be included in the book). Read how to submit articles to HelpingYouCare™ and the Terms that apply.

Read about the earlier book, Chicken Soup For the Caregivers Soul, which we previously recommended in our Editors’ Book Selections of the Month.


1 comment to Editors Seek Caregivers’ Stories for New Chicken Soup for Caregivers Book

  • FTL Caregiver

    Please let us know when this new Chicken Soup book on Family Caregivers is published. I’d like to buy one.

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